Um… I should probably say something right now. But what?
Awesome blog :) I entered :D
A few more days to enter!!!!!
Just bumpin’ this one up because — just because…
Bump up! Bump up and get down!
Today is the last day to enter the contest!
Congratulations to mrawlins2! She won the tin of Tippy Earl Grey. I will forward your information to Golden Moon Tea and they will be sending out your tea… and I look forward to reading your tasting notes about it!
Wow, thanks a bunch! This has certainly made my day… actually it has made my week! I really appreciate LiberTEAS and TeaEqualsBliss for holding this awesome giveaway. Tasting notes will be on the way, be on the lookout!
OK, it’s just weird that this is a “current topic” right now, because this contest has been over for a while. Sorry to those who were lured in!
I wondered about that, it was kinda strange. <_<
Weird! I definitely fell for it as I saw June 14 in the URL.
There might be a comment on the Earl Grey post from me on yer blog as I didn’t notice it was from last year.. : )
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