Thoughts on this?
I broke my glass teapot with infuser and just need something that will make me enough for one mug of tea without paying a fortune.
I will invest in another teapot at some point (probably ceramic) but for now this may suffice.
Before I got my Breville tea maker I used one of these for about 5 years and never had any problem with it. I still use it when I am making only one cup. I would recommend it.
Don’t you hate it when tea ware breaks! It’s like loosing a friend :(
I normally use either a brewing basket right in the mug (like this: ) or brew the tea totally loose in a small jug/pitcher and pour it into my cup through a tea strainer.
I did a pretty in-depth review on my blog a few months back if you want to check it out.
I’m on my second ingenuiTEA and most of the time I love it, unless I’m consuming a lot of spiced teas. It’s really hard to clean out and after about 6 months of hard use it looks pretty gross (theres a photo in my blog post.) I find that lately I’m using my finum brew baskets more and the ingenuiTEA less because i can wash those a lot easier and don’t have to worry about cross contamination if i want to switch from flavored to unflavored tea.
I didn’t realize the filters were permanent now. That’s a huge bummer, but explains why I haven’t been able to get a replacement.
I’ve used one since I started drinking loose leaf (about 10 years now). I’ve replaced it once in that time. I really like the size and design. It works great and holds up fantastic to everyday wear and tear.
One of the things I like most about this brew/cup is that it doesn’t leak. When I used a brew basket in a cup you have to deal with the wet leaves right away and they can be awfully drippy. The filter getting yucky is absolutely right:(
I’ve gone for one when I just want a quick brew and have also invested in a yixing pot too. What sort of teas work best in a yixing pot (I don’t drink Pu-erh)
Usually black teas or oolong, though you may need one for green oolong and one for toasted oolong as they are very different. You can have green as well but from what I hear the process is a lot longer for that since it’s lighter in flavour generally. You seem to drink a lot of black teas so perhaps that would be a good starting point.
I do like my yixing pot – it just seems to make the tea taste better. I’ve a variety of different tea pots and equipment now.
it works perfectly! here in brazil, the tea shops use this kind of teapot to serve each client
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