Your favourite teas without additions
Since no one has really offered you pearl suggestions, I highly recommend Teavivre’s superfine jasmine pearls. Extremely high quality at an excellent price. And you can get some samples of lovely floral TGYs while you are there! I highly highly recommend the Nonpareil Anxi Qing Xiang TieGuanYin (as well as their Jin Xuan oolongs).
If you like vanilla & creme, try Lemon Chiffon from Red Rose, Caramel from Lupicia, and Earl Grey Creme (forget the brand).
I used to drink basic black tea with milk and a long time ago I had to eliminate dairy from my diet. Black tea without milk was crap to me. I tried it with lemon and that worked for awhile but I started moving toward the green teas, herbal teas like peppermint, & some white teas. In my opinion herbal teas, green, white and oolong (which I just added in last year) are excellent without anything added. I don’t think you would want to add milk and sugar to them .
I don’t like flowers anymore since I’ve become addicted to smoky teas. I used to love Peet’s Scottish Breakfast but they discontinued it so now I’m drinking Peet’s Russian Caravan. I’d drink it morning til night if my taste buds didn’t fail to register the smokiness after a few cups. It does sometimes have a faint floral undertone, must be the blend. It has a sort of leathery scent and reminds me of campfires, fall evenings, four-alarm conflagrations, etc. etc…..
Great with half and half,no sugar.
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