Butiki Teas-Tea Jewelry Thoughts?
When you say tea jewelry the first thing that comes to my mind is resin-dipped leaves like this http://www.deviantart.com/art/Real-Sugar-Maple-Leaf-Necklace-302672853 but with camellia sinensis instead of maple. Or perhaps something like this instead: http://enchantedleaves.com/products/small-fallen-copper-maple-leaf-necklace
I like the resin charm and the resin dip. I’m not huge on the bottles or anything written in a foreign language, but I would totally go for something subtle and elegant. Basically, I’d love to be able to wear my tea jewelry to work, and I’m willing to pay a little extra for something nice.
To sell jewelry is very difficult because it’s probably one of the most competitive areas.
The only tea jewelry I would consider buying would be decidedly modern/minimal. Resin is a good suggestion. However, I’m not a fan of resin dipped leaves – too glossy for my taste. I would choose something like this: https://www.etsy.com/listing/152961382/moss-and-heather-ring-unique-clear-resin?ref=sr_gallery_42&ga_search_query=resin&ga_ship_to=US&ga_ref=auto3&ga_explicit_scope=1&ga_page=2&ga_search_type=handmade&ga_view_type=gallery
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