Help me with my first matcha order from Red Leaf
Thanks to Miss B’s awesome sampler pack, I found out that I like matcha! This means I need to place an order for some. I want to order from Red Leaf, but there are so many options when I click on flavor I want, I’m hoping for some guidance from my fellow Steepster-ites. It gives me the option to choose classic, royal or imperial grade and black red or white matcha and then with the flavoring I can choose delicate, distinctive, robust or “there’s matcha in there?” I need advice! What do normal matcha drinkers usually order as far as all these options?? Is there a big difference in taste?
For fruity, I go with distinctive. Robust is too strong.
For other flavors, I like robust, but distinctive is good too. Though, it can be personal taste, some peeps want to taste the matcha with a hint of flavor vs types like me who want a strong flavoring.
In regards to grades – if you are just gonna make them into smoothies or lattes, I’d go with basic. If you want to drink it regular preparation and wanna shell out, go with the higher grades.
I personally wasn’t a fan of the black and white matcha. It’s worth trying to see if you like it, maybe see if someone wants to swap first.
PS. The Brazilian Acai and Pistachio are freaking amazing.
When I placed my last order, I got the lowest level of everything (basic and delicate) just to try it out. Most matchas have been very good though some would benefit from a higher flavoring level (distinctive would probably suffice).
Also, green tends to be the typical choice when it comes to matcha. I blend mine in milk and the one white matcha I tried didn’t mix very well when I used the milk frother.
Really, as Awkward Soul said, it is all about personal taste but that is what I did when I placed my first order.
Thanks guys! I will let u know how it goes! I’m super excited :) I really appreciated the advice I couldn’t believe there were so many options!
I have a quick question, and I’m sorry tranquiliTe to piggy-back on your thread! but with regard to the flavor choices: delicate, distinct, robust, etc.—is that referring to the flavor of the matcha? or the fun flavor? (you know what I mean? like, with robust flavor, are you going to taste more banana cream pie or more matcha?) if robust would make you taste more of the fun flavor, why isn’t the whole world ordering robust? is it because you guys like the taste of matcha itself? (I’m going to play with matcha soon myself because I’m getting a milk frother, and so will probably start my own thread because I feel very stupid re all things matcha)
Keychange, the flavor levels refers to the fun flavor. I ordered mine delicate and still don’t taste the matcha at all (though I only ever drink it in cold milk so it might be different when prepared differently). Most flavors either taste like what they are supposed to (I.e. Strawberries & cream or caramel popcorn) and others just make the milk sweeter and creamier but aren’t recognizable as what they are supposed to taste like (those are the ones I would try with a high flavor level).
As for why everyone doesn’t get robust, I know for me, I was being sort of cheap since the matcha was expensive already but also I have noticed a lot of people complaining that the matcha can taste very chemically at the higher flavor levels so I found it best to stick to delicate or distinctive.
Hope that helps :)
Just a small point to add, since I’m figuring out matcha myself. I haven’t tried flavored matchas, but I did learn that in making regular thick unflavored matcha, the grade matters quite a bit and I can really only drink the better ones. If I ever move on to making lattes or sweetened drinks, I’m sure I’ll downgrade for that. I’m not sure how the flavors impact that choice though.
That’s interesting. What were the differences in taste that you noticed between grades?
Oh ok. I’m still scared of green tea in general, given that those I’ve tried have tasted like vegetables and/or grass, so I’ll keep this in mind.
Ah. Then I should mention that even the nicer matcha was still quite bitter and took some getting used to, and I LOVE green tea. Maybe the flavoring will help though.
Keychange, I really dislike green tea – but I’ve found some really good flavours. Personally, I go fruity for tea soda and then anything else in cold milk, typically. Though, it really has to be distinctive for me – personally.
I’m totally curious about matcha but the price is scary to me. Just how far does a 30 gram can go?
Yeah, it’s super pricey. My 30g canisters make something like 20-25 three-gulp cups. I really have to compare it to buying a brewed tea at a coffee shop every day, which makes it seem cheaper! Then again, it’s so intense, wonderful, and has so many more times all the good stuff than regular teas, I kind of think of it as a delicious supplement. :) A nice compromise to getting all the equipment and really committing to making matcha is something like a genmaimatcha or senchamatcha, which just brews up like a regular tea and leaves some light amount of powder suspended in the glass.
was really interested in the Caramel Matcha & since it’s now on sale i’m thinking of actually buying some, even though i was initially gonna go for just the free sample of cheesecake matcha to see if they do flavor well..
there’s like a day and 5 hrs left and if u get the large size (60g), it’s 50% off! which won’t be that much more than the small (30g) at regular price.
hmmm…should i do it? does anyone have good experience with the caramel matcha? the reviews for most of Red Leaf seem to be great. also if i do get it- should i go delicate, distinctive or robust? will the light give enough of a noticeable caramel flavor?
if you want to taste the matcha, go with delicate…if you’re in it for the flavoring, i’d suggest at least dinstinctive, though robust is certainly a good time.
I like getting most of the flavours in robust. But some flavours can come out chemical tasting, the ones I have found for that were peach, orange, and earl grey. I have had better luck with distinctive.
second what lala said… chemical like flavours tend to be the fruits for me @ robust level. If it’s a creamier sort of flavour, robust seems fine most of the time. that being said, distinctive has worked well with lots of the flavours..deliciate = too much matcha taste for my liking.. (this is all in relation to the base grade…i imagine as you improve the grade this might be different…but since i add milk to nearly all my matcha, i don’t see the point heh)
The ones that I am thinking about getting are coconut, fig, bananas and cream and French vanilla. Do u guys think I should get distinctive or robust? And I will be mixing it with milk do u guys think the basic grade is ok??
Of the flavours you listed, I have had French vanilla in robust, and it was delicious. I always get basic grade because I tend to either cook with the matcha or just drink it cold shaken. Basic grade is great for an introduction, from there you can decide if you would like a finer grade. I have a ceremonial grade plain matcha, not from RLT though, and it is super delicious. But I would only ever drink it traditional style and never waste it for cooking or smoothies, etc.
Thanks sil, VariaTea, and roswellStrange (and thanks so so much sil for throwing in some for me to try!!).
I really should just make my own thread, because poor tranquiliTea is probably going to be like stop getting all up in my grill keychange, but just one last question…for now!
I see that a lot of you like your matcha with cold milk. Can you just toss the matcha into a blender with the milk and blend away? or can you mix it in with a spoon?
And roswell, I’m glad to hear that a fellow non-green lover can enjoy matcha. Because I really don’t want to be like “mmm banana milk…with a grassy background!” LOL
mmm banana milk.
Banana in all the things!
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