Adagio Fandom Samplers on Sale! /sputters/

65 Replies

;.; Well, I guess I’m not getting any of them. All the ones I wanted are sold out now. cries Stupid work. _;
I guess it’s just a sign that I didn’t need more tea after all. /sigh/

Sil select said

same…but i’m ok with that lol there will be more tea…

My biggest worry is that they won’t be restocking the fandom samplers again. I hope they do, but I don’t ever recall them doing a clear out like this before.

I feel like they might be getting rid of the fandom samplers, and if you wanna try a bunch of teas from a fandom, you might have to buy a framed fandom.
But like.. I liked my fandom samplers though.
Ugh they should restock the fandom samplers!

Bee said

I think it would be weird for them to phase out the fandom samplers rather than the framed fandoms. I feel like the samplers were so much more popular? Maybe it wasn’t worth the profits they made versus the cost of production? Idk, I’m definitely overthinking it because marketing is interesting to me lol.

Jump – Ugh. The framed samplers are stupidly expensive. Especially considering the actual amount of tea that the tins have. I got one of their free Konami blend tins with my last order that’s the same size as the tins on the framed sets and there’s maybe 3 tsp of tea in it. Possibly four if I level the spoon off. I can’t image how much would be in it for blends that’re fluffier.

TeaLady441 said

No, don’t worry!
I just checked Aun-Juli’s tumblr and she has an update saying that the fandom sets will be back next week!

So maybe they’re changing the format? Different size tins? Maybe tins that don’t leak/spill? Possibly choose your own samples (oh please?) IDEK.

Dude, I don’t even know. That’s what I think would happen because they can be all “Look! You can still try the fandoms in a sampler pack, you’ll just get half for the same price but it’s prettty!!!
And I’m just.. no.

But I’m really do hoping they don’t phase out the sampler packs. I got the Hobbit sampler last year and they did fill it up, but I obviously got less of the teas with the bigger, lighter leaves weight wise just because of how the tea naturally is. And the hinge tins didn’t really close that well?
I’m hoping that the only reason why they’re doing the sale is if they’re like improving it in some way!

I really hope that they don’t get rid of the samplers. I feel as though the fandom blends are Adagio’s strong point! It’s so unique.

I agree with jump62359 and Cavocorax and too have a sneaking suspicion that they are going to change the format… I can only hope that the change will be for the better…

I guess I will have to snap up the Pokemon, Zelda, and My Little Pony sets when they come back next week… le sigh… First world tea nerd problems.

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Kat said

I wasn’t really going to buy any, but I was curious how much they were with the discount, but they’re all gone now. The website says they will restock next week, though, but I’m not sure they will since they were trying to clear out. The message on the page is pretty funny, too. There’s a Dr. Who gif.

The fandom sampler packs are originally $39, but with their discount, it was down to $24, which I say is pretty dang good for the amount of tea that you got and the beautiful fandom art!
If they do restock it, it’ll most likely be back up to the original price though.

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I saw Adagio’s post on facebook, they said the sale goes through Sunday. I’m sad but grateful, I got home and there was nothing left. But that means I can’t spend on it? lol

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Nattie said

Noooooo! D:

I’ve recently bought three fandom samplers for myself (Sherlock, Doctor Who and Harry Potter) and one for a friend’s birthday (Doctor Who). I could have saved £44.80 if I only had more patience!!

As for the non-closing tin problem, Adagio are really good about it – my John Watson tin would not close at all and kept popping open (the others were all fine) and as I wanted to keep it for display purposes and to store more tea samples in the future, and was worried about losing tea, I emailed them requesting a new tin if possible. They sent me one out the same day, all taped up in a little padded envelope and it was packed full of tea! They sent me a really apologetic email, too (:

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TeaLady441 said

Well, here’s a teaser:

SOMETHING is coming. Looks like it’ll hold 7 teas? Or more?

Looks like it might be closer to 6 if the picture is any judge.
I wonder if you’ll be able to select the teas you want or if it’ll be preselected already? By most popular I’d guess.

Nattie said

I hope you can choose your own, because if they’re preselected then it’s exactly the same as the fandom samplers already, only smaller! If all they were doing was reducing the amount of teas, I don’t think they’d be advertising it this much… I hope not, anyway!

Maybe there are 6-7 on the other side of the box? Making it 12-14 total?

It would be nice if they had a second box with another six OR even a third box with another six from the same groups..but you’d have to buy them separately. (Like three sets of Sherlock teas.) I know some of the sets could possibly have at least 12 different teas. I don’t like that some are left out! Like the most interesting Sherlock teas.

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Jillian said

Hmm looks like they’re all sold out. :( It’s probably for the best – it would be minimum $30 shipping to me here in Canada which I can’t afford anyway right now.

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Kat said

The website is updated! Only 6 teas, but the price has plummeted from 49$ to 19$. I’m actually very excited about this change, as it opens up the samplers to people who want to spend a little less.

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carol who said

I found several samplers that I wanted for the new price! Much more affordable, Hopefully they’ll do some of the other sets in the future.

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MelissaTea said

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::sniffles:: No My Little Pony or Legend of Zelda… :(

Pyroxy select said

I know! And they took a bunch of the Eeveelutions out of the Pokemon sampler, too…

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