Searching for the perfect white coconut tea- any suggestions?
Hey everybody I need some suggestions- I have been hunting for a white tea that is coconut flavored and while I have tried a few, I have not found “The One”. I have tried the Golden Moon oolong and I wasn’t a fan, and I don’t like black tea at all, so I want a tea that is a white tea. I found a similar thread but it wasn’t specifically for someone searching for a white coconut tea, so I figured I would start my own to see if anyone had any suggestions. Also I have been looking for some David’s Coconut Grove so if anyone has any they want to sell let me know :)
Steep City’s Coconut Grove is really good, my favorite coconut tea, also a white
second place, I’d put Art of Tea/ The persimmon tree’s Coconut creme
I’ll second Coconut Grove from Steep City!
The Coconut Creme from Persimmon Tree Tea is also very good and worth trying. (I thought I was being helpful by adding this one, but it appears AwkwardSoul covered this one too, haha)
If you’re okay with a but of lime with your coconut, Lime in the Coconut from California Tea House is also pretty awesome (though it’s a green tea).
Madagascar Coconut White from Simple Loose Leaf is terrific. Well at least from the 1 time I had it. Tried it with a squirt of lime juice and it was soooo good! Waiting for summer so I can try it cold.
I really like Zhi Tea’s Ambrosia. It is a white tea but also has a little pineapple in it too.
I’m currently drinking Tropical Peony from Tavalon which has more flavors than coconut but the coconut is the strongest. I’m enjoying it more than I usually enjoy flavored white teas (especially tropical flavored ones).
Ok so far I have ordered some of the coconut tea from Art of Tea and I’m considering ordering the Coconut Grove from Steep City as well…. I haven’t heard of Tavalon but I’m getting ready to go check them out now :)
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