Hello! It’s time for us to nominate new books for the next two months! Please post your nomination below. In order to keep things reasonable I ask that each person nominate only one book.

I will close nominations on FRIDAY JUNE 11th and make a voting post! Whatever book wins will be for July, and the book that comes in second will be for August.

Thank you! Let the nominating begin!

11 Replies

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Cofftea said

The Ultimate Tea Diet is a great one for TLFs (tea loving foodies)!

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Cofftea said

How long will voting be open?

Friday June 11th :) (see above) I am making it 2 days shorter than the last one in the interest of time. People needed more time to obtain the books, so I think both nominating and voting will be for 5 days so people have about 15 days to get July’s book. Not ideal, but a little better than last time :)

Cofftea said

Oh ok. It says nominations will be closed June 11th- but I’m not seeing anything about when voting is closed. But then again maybe I’m missing something and just need more tea lol.

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I see what you mean – yes, voting will be for 5 days after nominations, closing June 16th. Midnight for both! It was exciting staying up late, almost like a Harry Potter release! ;)

Cofftea said

LOL ok. Good. Just wanted to know if I needed to get my vote in early cuz I’m going to be out of town all weekend, but I’ll be back by the morning of the 15th so I’ll just vote when I get back.

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Rabs said

I had such a brain freeze on figuring out what I’d like to nominate. The one I kept coming back to, that someone else had nominated in the first go-around was Julia Child’s My Life in France.

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The next book i’m planning to read is “the help” and apparently it is good, so i’ll nominate that

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Lori said

I second JacquelineM’s nomination.

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Even though nominations are closed, before I forget — The Invisible Bridge by Julie Orringer is great and it has numerous mentions of tea drinking. It’s long, and it’s literature, and it may not appeal to everyone, but I will vouch that it is extremely well written. (I should disclose, though, that I attended a number of fiction writing workshops taught by Julie when she was heading the writing program for Stanford Continuing Studies so I may be biased.)

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