A company I would be careful about...
I came across this tea company called Tea Monger.
twitter: https://twitter.com/teamongerinc/
website: http://www.teamonger.com/
From the outside, they look pretty “legit” company with a professional looking website and twitter. However, I noticed they have 10.5k Twitter followers and get about no favorites on any of their tweets. Odd, huh?
So I went through their followers list and it seems that they purchased a majority of their followers! It is quite obvious because most of their followers don’t have a profile picture and do not tweet. Also, many of them are in a foreign language.
For example:
I personally would NOT trust a company that buys Twitter followers! I just wanted to spread the information. Be careful!
That only adds another proof to all the others mentioned in this thread:
They are not to be trusted.
Thanks, turtlebunnie, for being so perceptive!
EDIT: Also, Dustin beat me with the link :)
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