How did you choose your username?
My username is simple… I’m have a hard time coming up with names for things, but am otherwise a creative person. Anyway, my name is Suzanne, but everyone who knows me well calls me Suzie.. and of course I get the occasional SuziQ -which usually comes out in a joking and annoying way. I just took that and added to it when I started my first email account, it stuck for many things internet.
I’m originally from the south where people often attach first and middle names, like MarySue or LizzyMay which I always thought was kind of cute… unless you had a middle name that just didn’t quite fit. EveGrimm… might as well have called me WednesdayAddams. So, I think the handle SuziQ/Suziqzer is cute!
Yes, I am from the South and people always called me by my first and middle name. Personally, I think Grimm is the coolest middle name in EVER. I realize to be called that as a child at school would have been hard, but with the popularity of the Brothers Grimm and the resulting movie franchises it has taken an upward turn, no doubt!
Pretty boring story here as well – my original name on here (Krystaleyn), was just an alias I thought up years ago and use frequently. I literally made up the name myself; I like names starting with “K” and thought it sounded neat. My current username (since I wanted some separation between the two at one point) is another alias I’ve used forever. Very simple: I like cats, and to make ‘kitten’ into a name, I tacked on the ending of my real name.
My answer is so boring! It’s my name, and my general internet handle. I’m always happy when it’s available as it tends to get snapped up fairly often. For that reason I’m an early adopter whenever possible!
OK, so I actually put A LOT of thought into my name. Like, I agonized over it for 2 weeks. It had to be something I liked, and would probably like in the future even if my interests changed AND it also had to be unique enough that I could use this as my username EVERYWHERE and not worry about creating alternate psueds. (yes, if you see cavocorax somewhere, it’s probably me! don’t judge! :P)
I like crows/ravens because they are so incredibly intelligent, (even though humans tend to look down at them) and so I took some bastardized Latin from (not knowing any myself) to make a name that was original and that I liked the sound of. It basically means ‘empty’ corvid; corvids are of course the crow family. :)
And yes, empty crow is definitely an ‘emo’ name to go with, but it fits. I get depressed sometimes and feel like my life is lacking something, and I just need to stuff it with something in order to feel satisfied. Currently tea and fanfiction are keeping me full & happy. :D Oh, and baby cuddles. :D
I really dig this, thanks for sharing. I am a bird lover and I wished people knew more about Corvidea species. They are associated with death for the wrong reasons. I’ve seen a documentary showing that they actually mourn the death of one of their own by gathering in silence. I’ve never looked at them the same way after watching that film. They are truly amazingly smart, I’m so happy to know your name was chosen after them :-)
I always wondered if your name was actually related to crows or if it was just a coincidence :)
Thanks guys! Glad you like it. And crows!
I’ve read a few different books about them, and it amazes me the way they think. I’ve heard stories about crows dropping nuts on the road so that oncoming cars will run them over and open them for them. I’ve heard that they mourn their family members – mothers crows will cry over chicks. And when one crow dies, hundreds will flock to the site for what looks like an eerie funeral/moment of silence but is probably just the crows coming together to see how the crow died to see if they can learn from it.
Also researchers have studied crows on campus and found that the crows would harass them for YEARS after the research was completed – even crows that weren’t even born at the time of the exeriment. Somehow the original crows had warned the rest to stay away or not trust these people.
And they do communicate. There are a certain amount of crow/raven sounds that are fairly universal within each species, but then each family has their own personalized vocalizations too, which is pretty neat. It’s all really neat.
Oh my god, this is awesome! I absolutely love crows, ravens and magpies.
I have been actually considering a crow tattoo for a while now…
KiwiDelight, in was on a French channel a few months ago, but I think it’s produced by the BBC. It played on a show called Découverte which means discovery. I’m sure it must have played on the Discovery Channel also.
I have found lots of footages from it on this website, some parts are exactly what Cavocorax has described. The videos are in english, enjoy!
Kat_Maria – me too! I sorta have one, but I was thinking a back piece of a few flying would be really awesome. I just have a hard time getting inspired by the right design. I was also playing with the idea of Yggdrasil, and Odin’s two ravens perched, or flying away from it.
Cavocorax – I was also thinking of a flying one. The Yggdrasil idea is pretty amazing. Have you ever heard of a board game called “Yggdrasil”? It’s cooperative and has beautiful artwork… I thought it would be something that might interest you!
I haven’t, but I’ll have a look!
And I’m glad you like the idea! I guess my mom’s side of the family is all Norwegian so it would be also be a neat way to acknowledge that!
Once upon a time I had my own tea company that was called LiberTEAS. I called my company that because tea makes me happy, and LiberTEAS was my way of finding my life and it was the pursuit of happiness.
ifjuly’s been my generic everywhere on the internet handle for something crazy like, let’s see…15 years or so. it’s a song from one of my favorite bands, plus i was born in july, plus i just like it.
my favorite handle’s ghosting, but it’s harder to nab at various spots, more common.
I’ve always thought your name to be very poetic. Funny how two simple words can make you think of so many related and unrelated things…
Simple, I happen to be a real fairy who loves tea.
Haha! Wish I was!!
Ever since I was a little girl, Fairies have had different meanings throughout my life for different reasons. I’m using them as alias because of my favourite painter Vincent Van Gogh. He was a tormented man and was obsessed with Absinthe.
They used to call Absinthe “La Fée Verte”, (The Green Fairy) because of its supposedly hallucinogenic virtues. It was considered the elixir of creativity. The vintage images have always captured my imagination so I’ve decided to become a TeaFairy cause tea is my own creative liquor of choice!×1000.jpgYour name made me think of absinthe the first time I saw it, but I didn’t expect to be right! The bit about Van Gogh is really interesting, though
Good guess moraiwe :-)
Yes, after he cut his own ear, some say absinthe was the reason of his madness. F….. up guy, but so very immensely talented…
My names must always have two words, both beginning with the same letter, and usually there’s a person’s name in there. This one was easy cause I love organic teas:p
Like many people I am a cat lover,I love most types of cats, domestic and wild. The Canadian Lynx (Said by various sources to be cousin to the Bobcat, or a type of Bobcat.) has made it’s home here in the Great Lakes area (And Canada of course.) The only time I’ve seen a live lynx is at the Traverse City Zoo when I was a kid and it really stuck with me.
Brat-Babybrat is my sweetie’s nickname for me. I did use Lynxiegrl for a while when I 1st joined, but no longer felt comfortable with feminine nicknames. I do use this nickname on other sites, so if you see this pic, or a lynx pic, chances are it’s me. With certain adult websites, I try to pick different ones for various reasons.
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