Tea and kids
It is Presidents Day here in the US, and the kiddos have off from school. No day camp means that I am home from work today with them. I was making breakfast, and made myself a mug of 52Teas Butter Rum from the 12 Days of Christmas set. The kids saw me putting the water in the tea kettle, and decided that THEY wanted some tea, too! My daughter is enjoying 52Teas French Toast, and my son is enjoying 52Teas Root Beer Float. She is 7, and he is 8.
Do any of you enjoy your teas with your kids? Daughter just asked me to put some cinnamon in her tea…she thinks that it is now even better. Frank, you have some competition! :)
My son who is 8 started with Celestial Seasons Sleepytime one evening when he couldn’t sleep. I offered it to him, he gulped it down and went to sleep. The name is so convincing :)
After that he has explored a few others.
I got a box of Bigelow Sweet Dreams for Christmas and he loves that more than the Sleepytime.
His first exploring of loose leaf was 52teas Butterbeer. He saw me fixing myself a cup of loose leaf tea and asked if I had any he would like. I gave him some options and he went for the Butterbeer because I told him it is similar to root beer … Loves it. Only loose leaf I’ve got him to really try yet.
He also likes Twinnings English Breakfast when he wants “plain tea” as he calls it.
I always have fresh mint iced tea around in the summer, so he was familiar with tea already.
I grew up drinking tea, English style with my dad every morning and lots of fun random teas with my mom. Also copious iced tea too, but that is just what happens in the South.
I specifically remember drinking Constant Comments during the holidays, lots of Twinnings Earl Grey and English Breakfast, and of course really bad Chinese takeout Oolong :P
My son used to drink tea with me every once in a while. He’s 7. However, being a little Whovian, once he discovered my TARDIS tea blend from Adagio, that really set things off, now it seems I can’t make any cup of tea without offering some to the little man:)
I do, sometimes intentionally, sometimes not. If I leave a cup down within reach of my toddler then I’m in danger of not having any left to enjoy myself :) He’s a huge fan of Earl Grey Cream and Japanese Greens, but I try and stick with rooibos or peppermint for him since it’s caffeine free (he’s only 2.) Every once in a while we have tea parties and I break out my tin of rootbeer rooibos, that was a huge hit with him last summer.
It’s so much fun introducing him to tea, I grew up on it and so will he, it’s so much better for him than the juice and other sugary drinks I see his friends carrying around in their sippy cups.
It’s great to see that kids do drink tea. It’s definitely not something one sees around here. I think it is better for them than a lot of things they could be drinking (except just water). Thanks for your input!
Hi there,
I recently started a thread on a similar topic, though mine was more focused on what sorts of teas kids might like. If you’d like to check it out, look for http://steepster.com/discuss/6826-tea-and-children-ii
I have taken to recording in my tea logs whether my kids tried a particular tea and what they thought about it so I’ll have a record of what went over well and what didn’t (and for the entertainment value!). I am finding my kids are pretty much purists. My older son (almost 10) likes plain teas and florals—he’s reacted positively to jasmine green and rose scented white teas as well as to plain honeybush, rooibos and some fruit blends. The younger one (almost 8) is a staunch purist. He likes plain rooibos, plain honeybush, and unadulterated black teas. ;-)
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