teariffic2 said


Hi! I’m new to this site, so hello everyone! I just have a quick question and wonder if anyone else has had this same experience. I’m a tea FANATIC. I love Tea of all kinds. Completely obsessed. There’s no help. But when it comes to Earl Grey – maybe it’s the ones I’ve tried – but I get piercing headaches. I’ve read some places that it could be caffeine withdrawl, but they come with the very first sip of it, and even stranger at even the SMELL of Earl Grey! I wish I could get over it or atleast find a reason because I’ve heard that Earl Grey is a very nice Tea! Someone once said maybe I could be slightly allergic to Bergamont. I was just wondering if anyone else has had this experience. Thanks in advanced! :)

4 Replies

Earl Grey has been known to help my migraines along when I’ve already got one building up. Which is sad because my wife adores the Earl, but when I’ve got a headache brewing, the smell of it makes me temples throb and my stomach turn. So I definitely feel your pain!

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Uniquity said

That doesn’t happen to me but I too imagine you are allergic to bergamot since that is the common ingredient in earl grey that you don’t tend to find in any other teas. Sucks, but at least you noticed and can avoid it!

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I tend to have my headaches pushed into migraines by smells, which meant that the one time I tried to drink Pu Erh with a headache pushed it into a migraine and for the better part of a year I couldn’t even smell Pu Erh without getting a splitting headache! It sucked, but it has passed luckily and I can go back to drinking Pu Erhs again. So I definitely feel your pain!

It could be an allergy or it could be that the bergamot smell just acts as an irritant. Do you have problems with the aromas of any other citrus fruits?

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teariffic2 said

I have no other problems with any other citrus fruits, let alone allergies. I just found it strange, because I won’t have a headache but the moment I smell it, or take a sip, the headache is instantly there.

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