yyz said

kusmi, Steven smith etc at metro in Mississauga.

The Metro grocery store in clarkson (Southdown and lakeshore) is experimenting with higher end teas. They are carrying most of kusmis Russian collection, their wellness collection, and their mini tin sets all of lov organics teas. A good selection of Steven smith sachets, and republic of tea teas. They also have some Chinese and Japanese teas. I’m not sure if they plan on offering these elsewhere, bit if your in east Oakville or western Mississauga it might be worth checking out.

6 Replies
Sil select said

neat! I keep meaning on checking the downtown Loblaws at maple leaf gardens because i feel like they too should be carrying more of this sort of thing.

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Whaaaat! I live about 20 min from there. Must check it out one day :D

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Ubacat said

I’m near that grocery store. Will have to check it out. Thanks.

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Ubacat said

Actually ,wanted to ask which teas specifically are they carrying? I would like to check out the reviews here first.

yyz said

They had all of löv organics teas.http://en.lov-organic.com
For kusmi teas they had all the Russian blend black teashttp://us.kusmitea.com/our-teas/russian-tea.html

For green teas they had imperial label, rose, ginger lemon green, spearmint green and maybe almond green and green bouquet. They had all of the wellness collection teas and Russian morning. They also had three different mini tin collections and sachets. For Steven smith they had at least nine teas they had no18, no47, no55, no33 and maybe Kandy, no39, no96 and at least one other in the green white oolong collection, and meadow plus two other herbals. They had quite a few republic of tea teas. The Chinese and Japanese teas were in their ethnic food section where they now have the olive oil testing bar ( are they trying to compete with Battaglia’s?) But they aren’t anything different than you could find at TNT’s. You can find better selection of Japanese teas at PAT on dundas ( near Cawthra) and the Yuan Ming on burmanthorpe has a huge aisle of Chinese teas including some harder to find sea dyke ones. The Chinese grocer north of hurontario and dundas often has unusual teas as well both tend to have aging vegies though so I would only get dry goods there. Another place to get a lot of cheaper flavoured looseleaf is at Starkey’s on dundas past Winston churchill or a variety of polish delis the big active brand tends to have quite nice greens and white teas.

Ubacat said

Thanks YYZ! I will have to check out PAT as it’s so close by too. I already knew about Starsky’s but haven’t been there in awhile. Some of the British Hyley teas there are quite nice. Was just thinking I will have to pop in again sometime.

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