So....where's the tea????

So apparently a very hip place has opened in Soho (NYC) called Laduree Tea Salon. Here’s an article in Vanity Fair about the opening, which also gives a link to the Laduree website:

And here’s the Laduree website:

I’ve looked high and low at both and can’t find a single reference to tea of any kind, at all. Can someone please explain??

5 Replies
Angrboda said

Looks to me like it’s a place to buy a cup of tea and a cake and sit there, not buy the leaf and take it home. A cafe, not a shop. I can definitely see a tea (or coffee) cup on the Soho picture. (The word cafe implies coffee, so tea salon seems to be to tea as cafe is to coffee.)

That’s what I think.

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AnnaEA select said

Overlooked. I scoured around, and they do sell tea, according to the French language website. It doesn’t appear to be the focal point of the business the way ‘tea salon’ implies, though. I’d estimate that in their online shop, teas are perhaps 20% of the product they offer.

AnnaEA select said

And bingo – a photo of their Paris store front on Yelp reads Patissier, Confiseur, Salon de The, Restaurant. They’re a pastry and sweets shop with a tea room, and also do meals.

Thank for the opportunity to allow my inner research geek out to play.

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Dinosara said

Laduree is first and foremost a patisserie (and an amazing one at that). They do have some teas, but it isn’t a tea shop, it’s a place to go to have “afternoon tea” and drink tea and eat pastries. In France, a “salon de thé” (tea salon) does not mean tea shop.

If you would like a description of their teas, they are listed on the French site
Not sure which ones they will carry in their US stores.

Laduree opened a shop on the upper east side a while ago, but I guess now they have another location in soho. Makes me so sad I don’t live in NY anymore… Laduree (in Paris) is one of my favorite patisseries ever.

Dinosara said

Also I believe it was Ysaurella who said that Laduree’s teas are actually blended by Dammann Frères.

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