keychange said

What's up with Harneys? MIA?

So I placed an H and s order online a few days ago, and got the immediate automatically generated (I’m assuming, anyway) emails confirming my order and payment. Then I saw that ifjuly was loving on one of their teas, so I sent a frantic e-mail to their customer service address to see if couldn’t add it in, and haven’t heard anything. I thought I would call them at their customer service number, but when I called I was told (via an automated message) that the number had not been assigned. Re-sent my initial email this morning just in case, and still haven’t heard anything. Does anyone have an idea as to what might be going on?

20 Replies
ifjuly said

how strange. i’ve never had to contact them about anything so automated confirmations have been fine, but i do vaguely recall some grumbling on the boards from years ago about how their customer service when things go awry, like say your package gets lost or stuck somewhere or something, leaves a lot to be desired. someone was pretty upset i think. i’m sorry to hear you’re having problems and wish i had more helpful info, hopefully someone here will show up with useful info soon…

ifjuly said

and forgive me if this is a super dumb question, but do you have to use an international phone prefix to use their customer service number? probably obvious, just double checking.

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keychange said

Not a stupid question at all-I wondered that myself. I tried calling both with and without the one, and got the same message either way. I’ve ordered from them once before with no problem, so I’m hoping that things are just backed up and that they aren’t disorganized.

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Uniquity said

Are you ordering from Canada? They don’t tend to have much by way of support for Canadian customers. I thought their international customer service had improved but that could be a factor.

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keychange said

I am ordering from Canada, yes. I wonder if another Canadian would have better luck with their customer service number?

Phone: (888) 427-6398

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keychange said

Oh wow I’m an idiot. I just checked their customer service link and they have another number for Canadians. I’m going to call them from work…I hope my boss doesn’t think I’m strange!
In my defense, the number indicated in their confirmation email is the US toll-free number…I had to go on their website to get the Canadian one. Let’s see what happens. I hate calling people on the phone. uggh.

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keychange said

I’m on hold now (the number worked…). Oh, someone answered!

They’re all so cute. They all have New York accents, and one of the phone option menus was “If you want to speak to someone in the Harney Clan..” and they sound adoreable.

Ok, so apparently my package is being shipped today! So yes, it’s too late to add to it, but whatever—I’ll just place another order soon! They had a “sto-wum” in town this week which really slowed things down!

ifjuly said

haha, the Harney clan. i picture them taking turns sitting in a room waiting for someone to pick up. :b

Sami Kelsh said

Aww, good ol’ Harney clan. I seem to remember everyone in the Soho shop was adorable when I visited there too.

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keychange said

I know. It just made my day. And, you know, the fact that my package is being shipped! Trust a sto-wum to come in and ruin everything!


Which ones did you order? I liked their Amba tea.

TeaLady441 said

Heheh. I love different accents. My corowrker says that I have one – he can tell I’m from Vancouver. :P LOL I can’t tell the difference between people here and in Vancouver, except they’re slightly more New Yorkerish than I get otherwise.

“sto-wum” – SO cute! :D

Sil select said

Cavo…you just sound like you’re from out west :) music to my ears happy sigh

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keychange said

Oh, as far as Canadians go, I think we all sound pretty much the same (witht he exception of the east coasters, that is haha). I have no idea how int eh US, there can be such a huge difference in accents from region to region.

I ordered:
Queen Catherine (obv)
Eight at the Fort
Soba-cha buckwheat
Scottish morn
Big red sun
Russian country

-and many more that I can’t recall, and that weren’t indicated in the confirmation email (I thought most confirmation emails listed the products you ordered, but I suppose not). So yeah, there are definitely more teas, but I can’t recall all of them off the top of my head haha.

Sami Kelsh said

Isn’t it the weirdest experience crossing the border into upstate NY? Immediately goes from our Standard Canadian accent to sahrry and dahllers and cahllege, just because of some piffling little political checkpoint between the two? Craziness.

Also, I moved to the UK from southern Ontario about 8 months ago, and people keep telling me I have such a lovely accent! I always thought our accent was so boring!

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keychange said

I know. I was like “Aww sto wum? can you say that again, please?”

You may have sent your email, and I’m saw-ry, but there was nobody they-ya. Real saw-ry, though!

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OMGsrsly said

Glad you got it resolved so quickly, keychange!

I’ve actually been told that I don’t have a Vancouver accent before, even though I grew up here. Pretty odd, but it’s always people who do sound who tell me this.

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