Large batches of tea
I need to make a large batch (a couple gallons) of tea. I’m using an oolong tea. Initially I tried making a tea shot with the same brewing times/temps as a regular batch (1tsp tea/oz) then adding water, but it didn’t taste the same at all. Do I have to brew it longer? Or, is there a better way to make such a huge batch of tea?
At the restaurant we did it by weight – 8oz teabags for a 2L carafe. I tied the suckers all together in a piece of cheesecloth, and then ran hot water from the coffee maker into it, closed it, and pulled the bags out about five or six minutes later.
Mind you, I was making not-so-great cheap restaurant oolong, but at least it’s a place to start, proportion wise.
We have to make large batches of tea for presentations and parties. We typically make the tea in large pots using the same directions for 1 cup as the large batch except we will add one additional cups worth of tea to the mix. So if we are making 16 cups of our Glenburn Green that has directions of 1 teaspoon of tea per 8oz of water steeped at 180F for 3 minutes, then we would use 17 teaspoons of tea and follow the rest of the directions. Its best to let the tea steep freely. Then we strain the tea as we pour it into its final container then pres the leaves down at the end.
Thank you! I found a large steel pot with a spigot in the bottom so I guess I could just use that, and use a thermometer to make sure the waters the right temp.
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