Ask a former teavana employee (who's two year nondisclosure agreement is up!) anything!
Do you know if Teavana has or does buy tea blend recipes? I ask because I see a company selling a tea that they say is the original recipe sold to Teavana of a tea Teavana discontinued a few years back and I’m wondering how likely that is to be true.
Very likely! which tea is it/Where can I find it?
Teavana has purchased companies, facilities, warehouses, and even entire shipping companies. It’s not beyond the realm of possibilities they’d buy a recipe.
It is Almond Biscotti, but it looks like they have a few other teas that are Teavana’s. It is the Tea Attic. They sell on Amazon as well as their own site, which is a little clunky. 8oz minimum on their teas which makes it hard for me to take that jump without having tried that company or tea.
For the price, 20 bucks for 8oz and the recipe teavana uses, I’d get it to try. Teavana might have tea from a different estate, of course, but worth a shot.
Maybe see if there are others willing to do a ‘share’ of the tea bought from Tea Attic.
so ….am i understanding this right…this is teavanas almond biscotti? i was devestated when the almond biscotti got discontinued! it was one of my all time favirite teas.
^I was devastated too! I’m not sure if this is really the Almond Biscotti we knew and loved. One of the Amazon reviews claim that it isn’t. It could also be the original recipe sold, but that doesn’t mean that Teavana didn’t tweak it before it made it to their stores.
A lot of folks think our Brioche is as good if not better than Almond Biscotti – and you can get as little or much as you like
sometimes i wish i didnt have such an aversion to buying tea online. i usually only make one exception…for a tea company that left the state i live in.
Hey, folks! Sorry to disappear for a while there, big case of life happened. Anybody have any more questions?
I have a question. How do their sales work? Is there a certain times they have sales or do they just have sales whenever they just feel like it? I have, in the past, purchased teas from them just to see them go on sale a week or two later. Thank you.
Sales are typically end-of-quarter, just before new stuff appears at beginning of the next quarter. May seem random if you’re not an investor.
Ok. Are there any tips you can give in order to be able to get the best deals at teavana?
Joining their email listings is good. You can also get coupons in the mail. If you have friends that like tea you could try a split buy.
Split buys are amazing, and the coupon list is great. Make good friends with the tea guys, sometimes they scoop a bit extra after the label is printed. If nobody is watching. The POS system is designed for multiple tenders, so splitting with people is really easy. Doing this makes the sales team happier, average ticket goals are typically in the $50-80 range depending on the time of year. (Letting them think you’re helping them is a good way to get free tea.)
When I worked there, we weren’t supposed to do any of that, but being customer focused, my manager and I would simply mark the given out teas as drinks made for employees, then limit ourselves on this. Always better customers that way.
I hear that the margins on the cast iron pots were very high (to the point of almost being a bit of a scam). Any truth to that?
actually, no. I was privy to the margins – it’s not in the cast iron. Teavana pays 100-150 for teapots ranging 160-280 ish, which in retail, is a low markup. Big markup? Tins, and the tea. ! pre 2 oz was the price on teavana’s sheet… for the 25 dollar monkey picked oolong. Whichmeans that EVERY tea retailer is pricing them similarly. Don’t forget Teavana has buying power and is the reason some farms stay in business.
I research a lot before I buy. I loved the large dragonfly pot and was sure I could find it cheaper elsewhere. I didn’t like the shape of any other dragonfly teapots I found anywhere. I did find two other stores selling the same one as Teavana, a tea store in Canada and one in Paris. Both were charging more in US dollars for the pot. Hubby got the Teavana one for me as an anniversary surprise gift. (drove to Raleigh secretly taking time off work.) I love it! Have been using it for quite a while and have no complaints at all. He got me the warmer as well.
How much tea is used in the store samples? Brewing at home and samples in store taste completely different,
Others have reported that they use double the amount of tea than called for and about a tsp of sugar per 16 oz of tea.
Hmm, I did some research online and it looks like the ratio of water to tea and sugar is even higher. According to and, they use three times as much tea and twice as much sugar in their store samples :-o
Another thing I’m wondering… what is the actual amount of tea in their blends?
It seems like there are a lot of inclusions.
ok, you get lots karma points for this thread….i have no questions, as I’ve only been in a teavana once to buy a jar of rock sugar….but there’s lots of insight here! I felt lots of pressure from the sales folks when I went in…they seemed too eager to please. Made me nervous, so I left.
Are there plans to come to the UK
Whispers from my upper management contacts (2 years ago, mind) were yes, but being bought by starbucks may have altered decisions? I’m not sure.
Interesting. Just seems like a gap in the market for a cool tea shop that isn’t all too confusing or quaint or old fashioned.
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