Tea maker help!
So here is the deal folks, I’m in the US Military and will be deploying in the next few months. That being said, I want to be able to drink my tea in the morning in a hugely predominant coffee world… Actually it’s usually more like mud. Anyway, this time we’ve been lucky enough to be told we will be living in a hard building…with electricity! Now, my issue is, I’d like to find a tea maker that makes loose leaf tea, but trying to eliminate several different types of tools (electric kettle, teapot, etc.) and the hardest thing is I don’t want to spend a ton doing it. Any ideas?? I appreciate the help everyone.
I just have to put in another plug for the Breville tea maker. It does the job of the tea pot, getting water to the right temperature, timing the steep, removing the basket from the water so it doesn’t over steep, keeping it warm and it has an auto feature. Resteeping is a breeze and I can set the resteeps at a stronger level to get the most out of it. It really is the best appliance I’ve ever bought. I know it is expensive but really it is well worth it. I know I must sound like an idiot but I love my Breville. I haven’t had an over or under steeped tea since I got it. I don’t need any other tea accessories with this and it keeps my prep area nice and neat.
See, I’ve read tons about the breville, just not sure if I want to spend the 200+ $ for one. It looks amazing, it’s just the price is scary. I’ve heard nothing but amazing results. Wondering about the “travel-ability” of it too.
Josh, the Breville is pricey, but I’ve had mine for over 4 years now and I’ve never had any problems with it. It’s the sort of thing where once you have it, you wonder how you lived without it. Do you have a birthday coming up? I got mine as a mother’s day present or I probably wouldn’t have gotten it so soon if I had to buy it myself. ;-) And thank you for your service.
I do have income tax return in the near future, so it may be feasible. I just wish I wasn’t the only one drinking it. Just seems like a lot for just me. Maybe this will help. Right now at home I have a French press…I know I know it’s blasphemous to press the leaves, but it works for what I need. I usually drink two cups in the morning and a travel cup for work. I just won’t have the same access to boiling water and the same amount of counter space to leave everything set up. To answer your other comment, your welcome:) I’m just doing my job like anyone else does theirs:) I appreciate the kindness and genuineness of people around.
I think the Breville maker is the main all in one type. There may be one or two more, but I think they are all on the pricier side. If you are looking for a kettle, I’d stick with cheaper and all metal so it can take a beating if you have to pack up and move around. Congrats on a building with electricity! Before deciding on anything, remember make sure that the voltage is compatible with where you are going. I have accidentally fried electronics before on the other side of the world. It ended up making for a very hair 6 months.
Lol, yes voltage converting can be an issue, but with plenty of deployment history. I’ve learned the lesson once or twice. Thinking a kettle is doable, put definitely entertaining other options for sure.
On the budget, I would recommend a regular electric kettle to boil water and a simple finum basket. A thermos with an infusing basket might also be a good alternative.
I think that may be my most practical route without having to break the bank too much. Anything is worth not drinking mud every morning. On previous deployments to Iraq living in tents with generators., or metal 2 person “cans” with a limited supply of electricity. I think Afghanistan may be an upgrade as we will be living in hard buildings with steady electricity… So there is always a silver lining:) just trying to bring some sophistication along with me:)
You might want to consider a little immersion water heater combined with a a finum basket and a good sized mug. Immersion heaters are cheap as all get out.
That’s also a good option to look into as well, thanks:) I’m impressed by all the responses, keep em’ coming!!!
I would also recommend the Breville One Touch, but it might not work if you are deploying outside the US. I live in Norway and I bough the Breville on Amazon, and when I tried to plug it in here with an adapter it made a sound and did not switch on :) So I asked Breville and they said it will only work in the US, even with adapters and converters. So I found out the same tea maker is sold in the UK under the name Sage tea maker (check amazon.co.uk) and that one works. It might even work with a UK to US adapter when you get back home?
Just a tip so you don’t buy something that won’t work :)
Great idea, I’ll look into it, any change in price??
Doesn’t look like it at £199. There is another tea maker for a fourth of the price, but it doesn’t look like it has the one touch auto feature. It doesn’t really explain how it works actually. :/ http://www.amazon.co.uk/Breville-Stainless-Steel-Glass-Kettle/dp/B009M5FAI6/ref=pd_cp_kh_1
If I do just end up going with an electric kettle and finum filter, does anyone know of a electric kettle that will fit or filter… Or vice versa? Also, would the filter ruin the kettle at all? Last any ideas on a good electric kettle?? I just want to keep my options open.
uh if you’re talking about having an electric kettle and using a finum brew basket…the basket goes in to your mug and you pour the water over the leaves into the mug. steep, remove finum from mug and use to resteeps as desired (or not). You’re not putting the finum in the kettle or anything like that. :)
I bought the Hamilton Beach Pro for $50cdn, and I’m impressed with it. Not only is it electric but you can set the temperature for your tea, and it’ll hold that temp for an hour, (in time for that second cup!). I use that at home and just steep into a basket similar to the finum.
You can’t steep in the kettle but I’m fine with that.
I’ve been thinking about this some more, and here is what I would do for myself in this kind of situation.
1 – big old thermos mug of some kind with a lid – at least 16oz.
2 – immersion water heater (probably 2 – they’re finicky and I’d want a back up).
3 – disposable filter bags and clip. Or a large drop in mesh ball on chain filter, if I didn’t want to mess with the paper filter bags.
This would be affordable, portable, and uses minimal equipment by having one vessel for heating/brewing/serving.
I’ll kinda second this one.
In terms of having less moving parts to foul up it might be best to get a heater (I’d go with an electric kettle since they’re usually easy enough to replace) and a big mug (preferably with a lid) and some sort of drop-in infuser (I’m a fan of the mesh baskets since you can rinse them out and reuse; balls can compress your tea somewhat if you over-pack).
The Breville is nice – and I looked at getting myself one – but I run under the assumption that simpler is better, especially if you may be roughing it at times. Just my .02
All these are great ideas. I guess I’ll figure something out and when I do, I’ll make sure to let everyone know again how I made out, thank for all help guys!!
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