Jasmine Black Tea?
Now that thepuritea has closed, I’m in the market for a nice jasmine black tea again. ThepuriTea’s jasmine yunnan was excellent and but I’ve yet to be able to find any suitable replacements… Does anyone have any suggestions?
hete’s to old discussions that may have something of intetest:
I’m sad about the loss of ThepuriTea’s tea as well.
I’ve been slightly curious about this one. It might be interesting if you can tolerate light smoke.
You can order it by phone order from
For cheaper shipping.
If you are adventurous there are several offers on aliexpress. I haven’t ordered any yet though.
DAVIDs has (or at least had) a jasmine black pearl tea that’s really lovely. Not nearly as perfumey as some jasmine greens, and the black base adds a lovely richness to it. Unfortunately it’s the only jasmine black I’ve tried, so don’t have much to compare to. But I do like it and am glad it’s in my cupboard.
It’s unfortunately been gone for some time now. I had a sample and never had the opportunity to buy some for myself before it was discontinued. :(
It seems to be back? http://www.davidstea.com/organic-jasmine-black-pearls?&TF=9D4F560478B9&DEID=
Yeah, though I do find I only need 1 pearl per cup to suit my tastes (2 if it’s a bigger mug) so it lasts longer than a loose leaf (non-formed). But that’s just me!
I’m curious. I love me some jasmine, but have never really found it compatible with black tea. Seems like a hard balance to strike, but I’m game.
I have not bought from this supplier, but they are willing to ship a sample for @$5
And sell 100g for 22.
This distributor
http://www.aliexpress.com/store/723612. Sells a jasmine blacks on their taobao site:http://shop34752020.m.taobao.com/#list?catId=692906030&catTxt=2013%20new%20tea%20jasmine%20tea
It is worth contacting them. I’ve purchased from them in the past.
Dragon tea house has one
Just some option on aliexpress that are under 100;-)
Great thread. I have recently come into some Jasmine Red by Mini River Tea but at $88/3.5oz I’m looking for a comparable. I’m looking forward to making my way through this list. :)
I purchased some jasmine black tea from fleur tea house in Ottawa, and I have absolutely no idea what the base is. It’s the only black jasmine I’ve tried, and I really enjoy it (if you can imagine the pairing, it’s a combination of jasmine and a rather malty base) and I really enjoy it. I have a ton of it, and would be happy to share with anyone who’s interested in trying.
Sounds good. If you follow me, I’ll be able to send you a message so we can exchange details :)
My favorite Jasmine black tea is the Vanilla Jasmine from Golden Moon: http://www.goldenmoontea.com/vanilla-jasmine.html
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