Cool, yes. Useful… not necessarily for me as a tea drinker. I suggest you run it past some restaurants though — back of the house we’re constantly trying to keep track of how cooled off something is or isn’t, and if your pen works on more then just paper cups and is reasonably temperature precise I bet you’ll find a restaurant market for it.
I was going to say…the last thing i want to do is drink my tea out of a paper cup :)
Yes, very nice idea but this might not be the best place for it because I don’t think very many of us drink from paper cups regularly.
It works on ceramic as well but just not as well due to inconsistency of thickness of the cups.
Swing by a restaurant supply place and pick yourself up a few pieces of plastic smallware to test it on. Also check it on sticker labels for use on stainless steel. I would have loved a label I could stick on the side of a stock pot to let me know at a glance when it was going off temp.
That’s an interesting opportunity I didn’t think of. Will actually look into it.
Does it wash off of the ceramic?
Yes! :). Washes quite easily and made only of FDA approved products. I can send you a sample if you’d like :)
Great to hear it washes off ceramic! Totally understand about the varying thicknesses :)
Yes the thickness is a killer. On thinner cups it works beautifully.
I bet the tea themed facebook group I run would be interested, mind if I post a link there?
Of course! Let them know I’m happy to give some samples too if it would help them!
I work at local coffee shop and think this would be a great thing to use for writing a customers name or a quick drawing.
Haha that was the idea. I thought itd be a cool add on or something neat to have by the sugar and cream. Let me know if you want a few samples sent to you free of charge!
This sounds like a neat project. Hubby and I had a creative idea, but then found a product similar enough we stepped away from ours.. luckily we found the other existed prior to putting the first penny into it. We also love to watch the show SharkTank :)
I would be interested in trying your product and giving you feedback. My son is very sensitive to heat and won’t touch his evening tea until it cools enough for him… He’s much that way with food too. I always have to check his tea for him, or steep it w/a smaller amount of hot water only to add cold water to complete the cup. This might help us get past the “too hot to drink” mode that he is in. We may also find that if a marker says it’s not too hot anymore, that he will believe it better than me :) We would most likely be playing with it on ceramic cups of different thicknesses to find something that cools and changes color at his preferred temp.
Sounds good. Please email me your name and address to [email protected] and I’ll get you something soon :)
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