Pokemon & Tea
First time starting a topic… Ooh boy!
But anyway, I’m just curious how many people on Steepster play Pokemon too! I know that I really enjoy drinking my tea will playing, though I’ve been playing since way before I got into tea.
My first game was Blue!
Anyway – just curious because I’d love to have people to play with! You know, swap friend codes and then we could battle or trade or what have you!
If anyone wants to add me, my FC is: 0259-1473-7675
I think my friend safari is Steel type?
Best. Topic. Ever.
My first game was red and I was completely obsessed. I haven’t played since Soul Silver, but, I have watched an entire playthrough of X. It was amazing. Hopefully, I will be picking up a copy soon! :)
What is your current lineup?
Red / Blue for life. I tried playing X / Y and it wasn’t the same. Though honestly I haven’t been able to play a Pokemon game since Red / Blue.
Yay! Another trainer ;)
My first copy was Yellow – but the first one I beat (I got it like a week later) was Silver. Currently I own Ruby, Emerald, SoulSilver, Diamond, Platinum, Black, White2, and ‘Y’. I’m looking to acquire a copy of either FireRed or LeafGreen.
The team I used to beat ‘Y’ was:
Ebenezer – Greninja
Titania – Florges (Yellow)
Hatori – Dragalge
Saya – Mawile (My Mega-Evolver)
Odessa – Ninjask
Jafar – Hippowdon (Male)
With these two for support/HMs:
Butiki – Helioisk
Churro – Farfetch’d
I have this thing with always nicknaming my Pokemon. I’ve always done it, and as far as I’m concerned I always will.
Currently I’m putting together a competitive team (Properly EV trained and everything) whilst I’m unemployed – to pass the time.
Croatoan – Forretress
Kahlo – Smeargle
Leto – Kangaskhan (My Mega-Evolver)
Helios – Moltres
Gimme – Banette
Ritsu – Primeape
Ever find any shinies? :D
My first game was Silver. (The original GBC one) I longed and wished for Red and Blue way back then so bad I was practically in depression, haha. It didn’t help that everyone in my class had it and would play it at recess. But I never owned an original GameBoy, but I got a GBC shortly after Silver and Gold came out :D … And I’ve played every one since then (Also got to play Blue before Fire Red and Leaf Green came out, which was fun)
The versions I own are: Silver, Emerald, Fire Red, Pearl, Heart Gold, White, White 2, and X.
I’m not very far in X, only have my first badge. The games are still so much fun! :D
My first was blue or red I don’t really remember (I ended up with both anyway) and the last I played was yellow :D I stopped when I started playing more playstation and the psp came out.
and then it was Final Fantasy (7,8,9) and then others on the psp all the time :D oh and Kingdom Hearts of course!
Kindgom Hearts fan! High five :D
Also insert love for Final Fantasy IX here :D I don’t love ALL FFs, but I do love me some IV, VII, and IX :D I have VI on the PSP but the long loading times are putting me off from it. I can’t help but feel impatient that a SNES game takes forever to open the menus and the battles … At the same time though, I don’t want to buy it a second time on Wii Virtual Console to play it without the loads too, so I haven’t gotten very far in it… But I liked what I’ve played of it so far.
Ooh! You should give me your friend code and I’ll add you in X! Who did you pick as your starter?
I just finished perfecting the movesets of my competitive Forretress and Kangaskhan – and now I’ve undertaken the task of finding and catching my Moltres!
Also shiny hunting to add to my collection :3
I always love hearing about people’s shiny encounters (not Masudo method chain breeding or crap like that which anyone can do – the times you’ve actually found shinies in game).
1. Shiny Voltorb, Ruby
Was the first shiny I ever found and I had no idea what a shiny was at that point or why it looked odd, so I killed it. Found out a week later what I shiny was :(
2. Shiny Metapod (Now a beautiful Butterfree), HeartGold
- Nickname: Lunesta
First shiny I ever caught! I think she looks really cool. If you missed the reference, she’s named after the sleep medication, because she’s used as a staller (Stun Spore, Sleep Powder, etc.)
3. Shiny Gyarados, HeartGold
- Nickname: Copper
Everyone and their mother has the shiny Gyarados since it’s an in game encounter. This was the first Pokemon I trained to lvl. 100, though.
4. Shiny Zubat, Diamond
- Nickname: Bram
I very clearly remember saying “I’m so sick and tired of running into fucking Zubats in this cave”, and the next Pokemon I ran into was shiny Zubat. I hate Crobat’s shiny colours though, so I never use him…
5. Shiny Sentret, HeartGold
You know how in HeartGold you can encounter Pokemon in the wild before you actually get Pokeballs (while you get the mystery egg)? This was my first wild encounter. I had no choice but to kill it or flee.
6. Shiny Poochyena (now a Mightyena), Emerald
- Nickname: Soraya
Found very early on in my playthrough, so I used her as part of my team the whole way through. Love the colours. I almost named her Bitchcakes, but now I’m happy I didn’t because that would’ve meant she couldn’t have gotten past the automatic sensor on Pokebank to be used in XY.
7. Shiny Sawk, Black
- Nickname: Sanji
The colours are SO FUCKING SIMILAR that had I not seen the animation for the sparkles that show up for shinies I wouldn’t have noticed the difference and would have just killed it.
8. Shiny Togepi, Diamond
I was chain breeding for a shiny Togepi (I know), and had been soft resetting for hours. In like hour four of doing it, I found a shiny one but I had gotten so into the “routine” of soft resetting that my hands soft reset before my brain could process that it was actually a shiny and not a regular Togepi (the colours are very similar). After that I just gave up, heh…
9. Shiny Tangela, White
- Nickname: Devilsnare
Technically my brother found this one (I was there, though) but at this point he’d only EVER found shiny grass types and he was pissed off and frustrated at that, so he gave this one to me.
10. Shiny Carbink, ‘Y’
- Nickname: Zirconia
I really like the colours, but that might be because it has the same blue as shiny Ditto who has been my favourite shiny since I found out what they were.
11. Shiny Cubchoo, ‘X’
- Nickname: Grindelwald
My brother found him in a hoard battle while we were at Comic-Con, and I convinced him to give him to me in exchange for $10 so he could afford the Bobba Fett (his favourite Star Wars character) painting he wanted from artist’s alley. Right now he’s just sitting in a PC box, but I have an idea of how I’d want to use him competitively.
12. Shiny Ditto, ‘X’
Last, but CERTAINLY not least is the shiny Ditto I got from my brother! I mentioned that shiny Ditto has been my favourite all around Pokemon (not just shiny) since I found out what shinies were when I was like 11? Maybe 12? I think the colour is cute, and I love that it’s one of the least purposeful shinies EVER because you’re either sticking your Ditto in the daycare to breed (and never seeing it, ever) or using it for it’s Transform ability – and when shiny Ditto’s transform they don’t stay shiny. That just amuses me a lot. Anyway, this was his Christmas present to me. He didn’t nickname it, but I’d have wanted to nickname it Beth after Beth Ditto.
Eh, it’s not that I’m not up to adding more friends on X, but I can’t be bothered to do EV training, and that automatically puts me at a disadvantage so severe that I’m not overly excited to battle, to be honest. It’s more fun when either side has equal chance of winning.
That’s neat that you’ve encountered so many shinies! The only one I’ve ever seen is the shiny Gyarados in Silver which doesn’t really count. xD
I nickname a good chunk of my Pokémon too. All of the ones I use, plus just random ones that might occur to me after I catch one. I name most of them after my own characters (I draw and write a lot), or after characters I like from other games, or mythology. Or just random things. I named my Chandelure Lumiere :D
I don’t always EV train! I have teams that weren’t trained that way at all (like my playthrough team). This is actually the first team I’m building competitively.
I’ve played since the days of Y/R/B. Played through Yellow, Red, Blue, Silver, Gold, Crystal, Ruby, Sapphire, working on Diamond and Heart Gold right now. Don’t have any interest in the new 3DS ones, but might try the newer DS ones. Just need to beat the elite four on Diamond, and on HG I’m just trying to fill my national dex. Might treat myself to Soul Silver or Platinum to help max my dex as a “sorry you’re going to be laid up AGAIN after ANOTHER stinkin’ surgery” gift to myself, haven’t decided yet.
I also nickname my pokemon. Some of them have tea related names. don’t judge me :P
Not judging at all! http://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Heliolisk_(Pok%C3%A9mon) I nicknamed that one Butiki. It makes sense to me because Butiki’s name comes from a lizard type thing and that’s what their logo is. I also have ’mons named “Mate” and “Guayusa”.
I have a Koffing and Wheezing called Lapsang and Souchong, a Venusaur called Oolong, there’s also a Guayusa, Ceylon, Assam, Gyokuro, Hojicha, CHA-manda (yes, he’s a charmander…), and a IceTea (Dewgong)
I love Lapsang and Souchong! That’s perfect! I’ve toyed with more tea names – it’s easy to come up with them. Usually I go with TV Show references or Mythology (typically Greek/Norse/Egyptian) though.
So, I just caught a white flowered Flabebe (http://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Flab%C3%A9b%C3%A9_(Pok%C3%A9mon)) and, inspired by your wonderful tea names, named it Bai Mudan.
My first game was Red, back on the original GB.
I’ve played most everything up to White/Black and the ones after it…I got seriously into college and ran out of free time. Hopefully I’ll be able to pick it up again at some point after I graduate. :/
So many people here started with the originals! I never did beat Red/Blue – but I finished Yellow. I should really try to find them again, to replay…
Oh man. I love this thread already! My people! XDD
The last Pokemon game I played/is still playing is Soul Silver. Unfortunately the level grinding got to me and I had to set it aside for a bit…Picked up TWEWY again and have been barreling through that lately.
But I’ve dabbled in all the others so far (started with Red/Blue and still have my original carts somewhere) and own more of them than I care to really think about. Lol!
I really want to pick up either X or Y since it looks like fun and one of my co-workers says he needs someone to train against. XD
Oooh, I love TWEWY :D I found right near the end of it I was starting to feel burned out though, haha. I played it basically non-stop until I finished, which is probably why. To be honest, I never did get the hang of fighting with both characters simultaneously, so I almost always let them take care of themselves unless I needed to quick activate the combo move thing. Can’t remember what it’s called. But yeah, it was really great. :D
XD TWEWY continued my ‘gotta catch ’em all’ sort of mindset with wanting all of the pins….Which I’ve almost gotten by now. I was enough of a dork that I picked up a second cart so that I could start fresh, but not lose any of the hard gotten pins from my original. /big dork/ XD
I was alright with the two different character thing, though I was best with Joshua’s method than either of the others.
I found out that SquareEnix released a version of TWEWY for the iPad with a different method of the whole dual screen battle thing. Though it’s too expensive for me to get right now, especially considering it needs an iPad 2 or newer and I still have an original iPad 1. Hoping to get a newer one eventually though. XD
Agreed, I found Joshua a bit easier, but still, he mostly played himself unless I quick wanted the combo. xD; (And in those moments, Neku would just run around in circles not attacking since I just really found I couldn’t focus on two at once, so I just hoped his random running would help dodge enemy attack … ha)
The iPad one seems a lot easier! But I don’t own an iPad and I’m not going to buy one just for TWEWY, as awesome of a game as it was. xD I do hope they make a sequel of some sort, or at least a game with the same sort of idea with a different storyline or something.
I loved whenever Neku would say ‘Focus’ or ‘Open your senses’ during scanning, haha.
I need to actually finish SS… I bought it after my brother made me give back his copy of HeartGold so he could do another play through. I never finished it, though.
My first pokemon game was Yellow! I’ve played all of them except Heartgold/soulsilver.
I own X, I haven’t played awhile as I’m waiting for the Pokebank, whenever that is going to happen. I kind of wish the metagame had more to it, like Black/White 1 and 2. Other than that, I quite like XY.
My friend safari is electric, so not so great. 1950 8228 9675
(double check your FC, it seems to hate it when I punch it in)
You’re right – I had a typo in it. Fixed it up though! Last digit is a five, not a six.
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