Alternative Uses for Extra Tea Tins?

I was on pinterest and saw several beautiful photos with people reusing tea tins like these

Because of rust, I don’t think I would do the herbs without spraying on a water-proof coating. At least the photo was pretty :)

Anyways, it made me think: I wonder what uses there are out there for these tins other than putting in more tea, or using it for pens and pencils. Any ideas?

24 Replies
carol who said

What’s an empty tin? Mine always seem to miraculously refill. :P

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Lala said

My mom was at my house and found a box of various tea tins that I was keeping for use later on. She picked out a few and said she was going to use them for craft supplies for the grandkids. Things like glitter, small foamy/wood pieces, cork pieces, etc.

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Anyanka said

You could use them for make your own soy candles.

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moraiwe said

The insides might be aluminum coated, so it may not rust. Or tin which also doesn’t rust.

Candles look great in tins like the H&S ones. I’ve turned the really small sample ones into jewelry boxes before. If you have a clock kit, you could probably do that inside a tin. I’ve seen them hung on a wall with tealights inside. I’ve used the ones that Adagio fandom samplers come in to make a small coupon holder.

That’s kind of all I got.

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I’ve been googling ideas and found some good ones:

1. Cookie jar
2. Pack snacks on the go
3. Conceal feminine products in the bathroom.

Number three tickles me. I bet it looks much classier than just leaving the box out in the open, but I have a feeling everyone will be wondering why theres a tin of tea next to the toilet. lol

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Yvonne said

You could wear it as a hat.


Yvonne said

I try :D

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Kaylee said

Throw some sand or rocks in to weigh the tin down and use it as a bookend?

Hmm…Interesting. I like that, actually :)

Ooh! I’d totally do that!

ifjuly said

great idea!

RunKnit said

Oh! I like this idea.

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Nerys said

Years ago I read about safe places to keep cash money in your home and on the list was money in a tea tin covered with a thick layer of old teabags.

That’s clever.

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I’ve been considering using some of mine as drawer organizers, or to organize the items I keep on top of my dresser.

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these are good ideas!

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