Look at my newJar!
I’m so excited!It just seemsso awesome!And maybe something like this has existed for ages and i’m just late to the game, but either way, I can’t keep this to myself. The store I got it from only had a few in,and I got the last one.
Ok, I’ll stop talking your ear off now. But only fellow steepsterites would get this!
Awesome! It’s interesting that it’s not dishwasher safe and can’t have water over 208. Most herbals are 212. But it still way cool! And I would use it if I didn’t have enough mugs, cups, tumblers to choke a horse. Thanks for sharing the pix with us.
I was so tempted to buy one while I was on vacation but I didn’t really need it, so I opted out. Right now I’m thankful I did because unemployment and such.
It really is beautiful, though :)
Yeah, I found the over 208 thing a bibt odd too, although I rarely use boiling water anyway so it wasn’t an issue.
Tea pet, I’m not sure if it’s leak proof or not. It would seem that way, but I have yet to test that out.
And roswell, I hope you can get your hands on one pretty soon—they’re so lovely!
if it’s like a regular mason jar, i’d be very surprised if it’s not leakproof—they are one of the most leakproof things around. seriously, sometimes i store mine when i’m coldsteeping in the fridge on their side and have never had a problem. that’s also why i store green tea in (painted to block light) mason jars, ‘cause they’re the airtightest cheap option i know of.
here’s my review, FINALLY. sorry about dragging my feet guys—i think it would’ve been easier if it’d been a complete hit or total miss, but it’s a little more complicated than that. i do like it. i don’t know that i’d recommend anybody spend that kind of money for it though unless you REALLY, REALLY are obsessed with steeping on the go and not having to bag/otherwise find a place for your spent leaves and infuser, and don’t have a problem with some of the con-y details i mention. but i do like it.
I was admiring this on their web site just the other day. I haven’t yet decided whether lockdown means I can’t buy teaware because I thought this looked awesome!
haha keychange, your love for this is adorable. I really wanted this and when I saw your post I was a tad bit jealous but then that got replaced with happiness on your behalf.
As for fun uses of mason jars, there is a bar in Montreal that serves mason jar cocktails. They are super tasty and the bar is super relaxed and very fun times.
Haha I’m glad my happiness over acquiring this is contagious!
and ifjuly, I too am curious as to whether or not you’ve received that travel mug steepster is collectively lusting after?
Also, I think I too may start cold-steeping now that I have a mason jar with an infuser! It does seem leak-proof, but (and this is going to sound stupid) I’m so excited to have it, and I just keep walking over to the table it’s sitting on and picking it up and touching it and just being happy I have it-like too happy to start using it! haha I’m such an idiot.
VariaTea, that bar sounds awesome! It kind of reminded me of how at Montanas, they serve you your drinks in a mason jar also. And have you ever eaten at The Works? It’s a burger joint, and they serve you your drinks in measuring cups. it’s also kind of cute.
I have never been to the works and but I have heard about them. That sounds pretty awesome. There is a different bar in Montreal (there are A LOT of bars in Montreal) where they serve the drinks in beakers and it is a whole medicine themed bar called Pharmacie.
Also, I swear I am not an alcoholic. I just hear about all the different bars from various friends. I have only ever actually been to the Mason Jar bar.
I felt the same way when I got my first Perfect Mug from David’s. I just kept holding it and “smelling the new” and looking at it. I almost felt guilty getting it dirty the first time. And now it’s so discoloured it looks like if you add water to just the mug and filter basket it would produce tea on its own from the stains. They just released their Nordic Mug in clear glass; I just might have to get one (I like being able to see my hot water changing colours as it steeps. I’m easily distracted…).
Enjoy your Mason Mug!
I have a tea cup similar to this, but not from Davids. My only concern is the glass handle gets super hot, especially if you have let the hot tea sit for a while.
I think that looks like a great cold steeping jar… could use for hot too of course, but with the temperature rating I would be careful. If it’s truly a Mason jar, it should handle the heat just fine because they do for canning.. might just be careful to warm it first and not shock the glass.
I’ve been thinking about cold steeping for summer teas in Mason jars(never cold steeped before), but haven’t figured out how I would filter the tea when it was done. This is a nice solution… but my family would drink that amount in a matter of moments. If you wanted to steep multiple jars, you could use the filter basket to strain the leaves of the other regular Mason jars when they were done. Nice buy.
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