Choosing Earl Greys
Honestly, if you’re looking to go a bit more main stream with things you can find a bit easier in supermarkets and things like that, I can relate to where you coming from. That being said, my two “go to” supermarket varieties are Twinings (can be found pretty much anywhere) and Rishi ( a bit more pricy, and a bit harder to find) Rishi is the more upscale of the two, with rich floral overtones and carries the flavor all the way through your cup. While Twinings is cheaper and also acts as a great stepping stone into the more exotic and richer flavors. Not too mention if you don’t like the Twinings or Rishi variety you won’t be spending more than 10$. Hope this helps
Thanks for the idea. I’m not sure I want to spend a ton of money on “the good stuff” on my first try. Better brand grocery store tea might be a good starting point and then moving to some of the others online. I’ll look for some of the Rishi teas. Thanks!
twinings also makes a lady grey that i just adore – it is a little milder and more citrus-y fruity somehow. and it is CHEAP, and if you buy bags, and don’t end up liking them, just bring them to work and everyone will love you for having them on hand.
I like Twinings’ Lady Grey, too. With a couple of sugars, it reminds me of Juicy Fruit gum. I like that the bergamot is toned down a bit by the citrus.
juicy fruit! i can see that. i definitely think the flavor, while actually rather strong (in a good way), is such that it tastes almost nothing like the ol’ Earl himself. one reason i really quite like it. (of course, i just mooted my suggesting it in this thread, didn’t i? oops. still, worth a try if just to get some variety in your inexpensive earl gray exploration!)
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