Best stevia sweetener for tea?
I do personally tend to sweeten my teas, but cannot have traditional sugar sweeteners. I am currently using an artificial sweetener called Sugar Twin, but I know it’s not exactly the best thing to be consuming and I’m scared it might be altering the overall taste of the teas.
I’d love to purchase a healthy stevia sweetener, but with so many options out there I don’t know what to get on my next grocery shopping trip. Should I go for powder or liquid? Any brands to look out for? What will give me the most even amount of sweetness?
I think it was MissB who suggested the stevia from as the one with the best taste. I haven’t liked any of the stevia I have tried so far and am also on the lookout for a sugar alternative that doesn’t alter the taste of my tea. The few brands of stevia I have tried have a weird aftertaste and apparently have a lot of fillers that can change the taste. I’m thinking about trying the one, but their minimum quantity seems like a lot.
I really like Stevita liquide stevia extract. I tried a lot of different brands and to me this one has the best taste for teas. But I think you’ll have to try some brands before you find the best for you, as everyone seems to have different tastes. I know that this brand is very pure (95%). Powder is more convenient to carry in a purse because liquid forms usually need to stay in the fridge, but it has more artificial fillers…
Thank you! I’ve definitely heard of this brand before, and I think I may have even seen it in my local health food store. I’ve tried powdered off brand Stevia before and it was awful – it seemed to lump up all the sweetness at the top no matter how much I stirred. I might opt for liquid because I’m trying to stay away from fillers…hopefully a liquid might mix better than a powder?
I’ve been using Truvia which is made from stevia. I also use Nectresse which is made from Monk’s Fruit. I don’t think there is too much of a difference in taste. Make sure you buy the one that is not for baking. There is a bunch filler in the baking form. I’m not sure how healthy these are… I was looking for zero calories and taste.
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