Hello from the Midwest! And, finally diving into Pu-erh!
Here is what I ordered:
Bamboo Tray for Chiseling Away at your Pu-erh tea cake
Bao Lan Zhu Ni “Pear Shape” Yixing teapot Zhu Xin Nan
Dragon Kiln “Xi Shi” Burnt Duan Ni Clay Yixing teapot
2007 Xiaguan “Xiao Fa” Ripe Pu-erh tea tuo
SST Stainless Steel Dual Layer Mesh Filter Strainer for Tea
Premium Grade Ripe Pu-erh Tea Mini Tuo Cha
2012 Xiaguan “Jia Ji Tuo” Raw Pu-erh
Sticky Rice Scent Ripe Pu-erh Mini Tuo Cha * Nuo Mi Xiang
Imperial Gold Needle Yunnan Black tea * Autumn 2013
it was sale 10% off so with the savings I paid around $4 in shipping
I like the little bio on the creator of the Burnt Duan Ni Clay.
Looking at the description of the 2007 Xiaguan “Xiao Fa” Ripe Pu-erh tea tuo I am surprised to surmise that only as recently as the 1970’s was the first Pu-erh tea to be exported to western countries.
Nice little strainer, and for a great price as well!
Looks like you are ordering one of the mini touchas that I bought: Premium Grade Ripe Pu-erh Tea Mini Tuo Cha. I just tried it last night, and I think I like it better than the SpecialTeas toucha I have been drinking. I will be curious to hear what you think of it.
Amazing price on the 2012 Xiaguan “Jia Ji Tuo” Raw Pu-erh tea in box * 100 grams tea.
I was considering getting some of the Sticky Rice Scent Ripe Pu-erh Mini Tuo Cha * Nuo Mi Xiang, but decided to pass this time, as I have no idea how the “Sticky Rice Scent” will impact the aroma and flavor. Again, I would be interested to hear about that as well.
I love the appearance of the bud-only Yunnan black teas.
Cool Bamboo Tray. Speaking of Chiseling Away at your Pu-erh tea cake, I have yet to do any “Chiseling”, as so far all of the pu-erh I have brewed up has been mini touchas or samples. What tool do you find works best to chip away at the tea cakes? Is a simple butter knife sufficient, or should I get some kind of metal pick or something with a finer tip? I would have ordered this http://yunnansourcing.com/en/brushesandpicks/2186-sandalwood-pick-for-prying-apart-pu-erh-tea-cakes.html if I had though to before I submitted my order. D’oh! Oh well, it challenges me to find some creative a work-around. I may be stopping off at the hardware store to, uh, pick up, a simple pick, ha ha!
Sticky rice tuo mostly for my kids. they love it. I didnt try from Yunnan Sourcing, but I have some from Puershop.com. I wouldn’t recommend to brew them in Yixing because of strong flavor.
I got some mini tuo cha because its convenient on the go.
i do have a knife similar to this, i got it on ebay
Now I’m thinking even steak knife would do;)
It will be fun to compare notes on mini tuo cha. Now i just have to wait.
Thanks, biychik. Interesting tea knife. I think I’m going more for a pick. Yes, will have to compare notes on the mini touchas.
I use a needle for most sheng except Xiaguan as they are very tightly compressed. I have the knife for shou as I don’t worry about breaking the leaves as they already kind of broken.
Thanks, mrmopar, that makes sense. I didn’t know that the tea leaves in most shou is broken. Is sheng commonly whole leaf?
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