Tea has never help me for cramps, no matter what herbal brew and I’ve tried many things. Pretty much all that works on me is Aleve ( > advil as it’s 1 pill that works for 12 hours), heating pads and working out. I do my best cardio during that time!
What helps that’s tea related? Resting the hot cup on my lower abdomen as a heating pad.
Does anybody use anything with the chamomile to make it more flavorful?
A cinnamon stick is nice.
I feel like chamomile is a pretty strong flavor on it’s own, but I also like Tazo’s Calm tea, it’s mixed with other stuff that tastes nice on it’s own and with sugar.
I don’t get bad cramps, but take cranberry juice for bloating… and my friends know to send me off for tea and quiet time when I get irritable.
I find that ginger helps me. I use Traditional Medicinals’ Ginger Aid. They say it’s good for digestion but I would recommend it for cramps as well :) I also use a heating pad when need too though.
My bestie is in possession of a tea that she drinks at those times, called “Werebitch.” Not sure what company produces it, though, as it’s not on here. Might have to do some digging.
Ah, I found it. It’s blended by the owner of Books, Beans, and Candles, a metaphysical shop in Birmingham, AL. www.bookbeancandle.com
To add to my previous notes: I did some research on this this week, and discovered several studies using various concentrations of fennel extra or tea to help with menstrual pain. In two of the studies, fennel helped more than prescription pain medication. Some details here on three studies, two of which I read in full: http://www.greenmedinfo.com/blog/fennel-evidence-based-drug-alternative-menstrual-cramps
Very non-scientifically: I’ve now used fennel in all of my teas during that “time of the month”, as well as liquid fennel extract (2mL in drop form, every two hours) with shocking success. Zero painkillers needed, even though normally I would require the maximum dosage.
NOTE: Occasionally some of the study participants (we’re talking one person in two of the studies) found that fennel increased flow mildly.
Study dosages:
- 30mL 4 times a day in capsule form;
- 2% concentration, 25 drops orally every six hours;
- fennel/Vitamin E extract combination (specific dosages not listed).
Additionally, I found several articles (with zero citations) stating that teas made from ginger, fennel, basil, fenugreek and gingko would help with “that time of the month”.
Too bad I can’t stand fennel. :P Oh well, raspberry leaf works for me.
I’ve wanted to try Moon Phase tea. I feel absolutely horrible every four weeks on Tuesday.
This isn’t exactly tea-based, but if I can’t find my hot water bottle I’ll fill up a metal water bottle with brewed tea and keep it on the crampy area while it cools down. Then I drink the tea while refusing to leave my bed. It helps a lot.
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I second that idea. Or like on twitter or youtube, or Reddit
I tried fenugreek tea after reading about it and I noticed a difference with the cramps.
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