RiverTea.com opens today! We've now unpacked the magic box of teas!

137 Replies

I put my order in very late last night :)

Tea of Kings, Absolute Spearmint, Dynamite of Fruits, Sweet Helen, Chocolate Kisses Chili, and Pret a Portea!

Samples were Sky Dive, Sweet Seduction, and Genmaicha.

RiverTea said

Heeey Roswell! :) Thank you for your order! Not sure if you received my email a few days ago, I promised I’ll send you an email when we launch, hope you got it.

We’re now carefully packing your teas and we’ll send the pack tomorrow morning. I mean, my partner is packing, I’m checking steepster :) I’m so happy with the good feedback so far, thanks again for recommending us! Got to go to help him, I’ll be back on steepster later :)

Definitely got it! I would have placed my order sooner, but had to pick up a prepaid card first ;)

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RiverTea said

So darn cute, can’t wait to get mine :-)

Oh my, the packaging is so cute! Can’t wait to order in two days lol

Oh my! The packaging is so cute!! Lol. Two more days till I can order!

Sil select said

oh man… i want mine now! haha

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Dexter said

I posted in the What did you get in the mail today thread, but I also wanted to put a little blurb here. I got my RiverTea order today – 9 days after ordering – that’s amazing turnaround from Europe. I also could not be happier with the packaging…
OMG – RiverTea seriously knows how to package tea!! This is one of (if not the best) packaged order I’ve received. The little canisters are so cute, and individually wrapped in foam. On the canisters is ingredient list, steep instructions, best before date. I also like that not only the names but the type of tea – for example it is Sweet Helen but under that is says Pear Fruit Tea – don’t have to open or guess what Sweet Helen is.

I didn’t ask for specific samples – in fact I didn’t mention them at all, but I still got three of them, plus a little bonus that I won’t tell anyone about – don’t want to spoil your surprise. All in all, for a new company – they have it together. Great Job guys – now if the tea is half this good….

Sil select said

i want my mail to come now!

TeaLady441 said

I know! I’m SO impatient! And I’m having it sent to work so I don’t know if/when the mail guy comes around here….
I hope it’s today! :D

This is all Dexter’s fault for getting me excited. Before I hadn’t considered that it would arrive so soon. :P

Yes, Cavo…all Dexter’s fault. With such a description I am now DYING to get mine. But I love that excitement feeling, so thank you Dexter :-)

Dexter said

I can’t believe that I’m the first to get mine. Sorry guys, I was NOT expecting it at all today. Hope yours arrive soon. My box looks like it was scrunched in a sorting machine somewhere, but the packaging is so good, that everything inside is all safe and sound. Hope you are as happy with it as I am. :))

Isn’t the packaging adorable! Also, the sample packaging is great too! They include the same information on the sample bags, and they’re resealable! Pretty sure I know what your surprise was too ;) Cough There are pictures in some of my first RiverTea reviews Cough

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I checked out your website. It looks fantastic! Good luck!

Awww, love good sportsmanship between merchants, that warms my heart on this awful winter day :-)

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TeaLady441 said

I just received my box!

I have to say I am really, really impressed. I cannot believe the attention to detail, and opening the box up to the little personalized sticker just made me smile.

I love the containers. I love the information so carefully stored on them. I love the colours.

I have no reason to expect disappointment from the tea itself so with that being said I’m excited about placing FUTURE orders!

Thank you! And thank you for the little surprise. :D

(Also I had all these delivered to the office, but now I want to take them all home so I can drink them all tomorrow when I’m working from home! I’m not going to wait until Wednesday… I also want to dump out whatever tea it is I’m currently drinking so I can try these, but I’ll restrain myself and not abuse my suddenly less exciting tea.)

Yay! I’m so, so excited to read all the reviews! I felt like such an idiot when I got my box though ‘cause I couldn’t find the steeping guide or ingredients. Of course, in my excitement, I just didn’t check the bottom of the tin D:

Dexter said

Awesome – glad you got your order too. Cute right?
I’m having issues uploading pictures onto Steepster, but working on getting the ones I order in the data base. :))

Sil select said

baaaaaaaaaaaaaaah i want mine!

Sil select said

the mail hates me…

Tealizzy said

I guess the mail hates me too. It makes me feel better, Sil, that you haven’t gotten yours yet either! I’m so impatient!! ;)

Sil select said

we can whine together tealizzy :)

Tealizzy said

Lol! I keep asking my husband, who works from home, did my tea come yet? I’m sure he’s going to get sick of that at some point! Haha!

no tea in the mail today. poop. i’ll have to drink tea i already have. how boring!

Sil select said

WOOT! BF just confirmed it’s at home…waiting for me.. OH HAPPY DAAAAY!

TeaLady441 said

Glad to hear you got yours Sil! I was starting to think I’d have my second order placed before you rec’d your first! :P (Not really though – it had to be close behind!)

I hope yours comes today too Juliebeth! Tea you already have is just… not as exciting. I get it. Yes I do.

Sil select said

Cavo…well this way i can get organised for the weekend… no USD purchasing for me this weekend! haha

Tealizzy said

So jealous, Sil! Still no tea for me :(

Sil select said

tealizzy…mine was shipped on the 20th if that helps you figure out timing :)

I wonder if anyone in the US has got it yet…

Tealizzy said

Sil – I just realized I’m much farther away from Germany than you, so that could be it. My order shipped out the same day as yours. I’m crossing my fingers that it comes today!

Based on this experience, they may have to change their estimated shipping time for the US to something beyond their posted 6-9 days. Did anyone get a tracking #? I ask because the email they sent me said they would send one, but I didn’t get one.

Tealizzy, I believe that my e-mail also mentioned that I would get a tracking number later but I never got it either.

While I am closer to the East Coast, I am still waiting (impatiently) as well :)

Sil select said

Email said tracking through my account…but it wasn’t really like tracking via usps…just an update on the status of my order..

TeaLady441 said

I thought the more expensive shipping option had a tracking number? I just assumed that’s what that was referring to.

RiverTea said

I’m sorry that for some of you the parcel didn’t arrived yet. It should have been there by now. Some of you received the pack in one week; I’m not sure why it’s taking longer for some other packs to arrive. We don’t have a tracking number as we’ve shipped the packs using standard delivery, but we should consider this in the future.

Sil, Cavocorax, Dexter you received your parcel at home or you had to go to the post office to pick it up? I’m thinking maybe you could check with your post office Kat_Maria, Tealizzy, Juliebeth?

Dexter said

I got mine at home because I was at home, if not at home you get a notice card that it’s available for pickup at your local postal outlet. You also have to consider customs. Some parcels clear customs in hours and others take days… This isn’t the fault of the vendor, it’s just how it is.
I was SHOCKED at how quick I received my package.
Hoping the rest of you get yours soon. :))

TeaLady441 said

I had mine delivered to the office I work at and it arrived without any problems. I was like Dexter – I really didn’t expect it to arrive as soon as I did. Most of my orders from the US take longer than that!

It took about two weeks, if I remember correctly, for my teas from the contest to make it to me. Possibly a couple days longer than that – and I found that pretty reasonable.

Tealizzy said

It’s here! It’s here! I’m so freaking happy! I just need to work on my patience! ;)

RiverTea, sorry if it sounded like I am disappointed with you – I am definitely not :) I get packages from my family in Poland all the time and they sometimes take up to 3 weeks. I think the fact that Canada got their packages so early made us this crazy with anticipation and we felt like discussing our frustrations out :D

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I recently decide to stop buying from Teavana, do you guys sell an Oolong that is similar to Teavana’s Monkey Picked Oolong?


RiverTea said

Hi Rahul! Here you can find our Oolong teas: http://www.rivertea.com/simple-oolong-tea
Formosa Jade Oolong is grown at high altitudes in the mountains of Taiwan, it has a slightly floral aroma and a beautiful jade color when brewed: http://www.rivertea.com/formosa-jade-taiwan-oolong-tea

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Melanie said

I just looked through your website! I’m going to need to save up because there are a LOT of teas I want to try! ;-) It looks like you enjoy combining a lot tropical flavors – I am really excited about that!! Along with a great offering of some nice “simple” black teas! I hope you have sent samples to TeaViews for review! I look forward to reviewing some of your teas and getting you on the “Tea Map” :-D

RiverTea said

Thanks for stopping by, Melanie! We love tropical flavors :X Especially on this harsh winter, I’m so dreaming about a sunny tropical beach :) We haven’t yet sent samples to TeaViews, thanks for suggesting.
We’d be honoured to have a place on your “tea map” :)

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darby select said

RiverTea, do you have a store or do you just process online sales?

RiverTea said

Hi Darby! We don’t have a store, we only have an online presence.

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It’s almost 3am where I’m at, so I’m a tad lazy to scroll through all the responses, but how many of you have ordered the herbals? How did you like them/how would you describe them? Anyone try the Mountain Herbs blend? I would LOVE to try that one as it sounds rustic and refreshing, but I was curious as to what people’s impressions were for it. I’d like to know how the overall flavor profile is, as I’ve ordered a tea before with pine and it was fairly overpowering. Regardless, I can’t wait to place an order…just gotta clear out some of my stash and overcome my tea-ordering hiatus :/

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YUMMY as i sit here i’m on my first cup of Milky Oolong! box arrived today in the mail, RIGHT when i needed an emotional/physical/caffeinated pick-me-up, it was meant to be!

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