RiverTea.com opens today! We've now unpacked the magic box of teas!

137 Replies
Yvonne said

I’m clamoring for Boatsman, Granny’s Cake, Exotic Breakfast, and Sparkling Lunch…they sound positively lovely. I’ll definitely be ordering when I finally manage to get my life back together. :) As for now though, it’ll have to wait.

Congrats on the opening! I wish your business the utmost success.

RiverTea said

Kinsa, thanks for stopping by and thank you for your kind wishes! We’ll be here whenever you decide you’re up for a cup of tea :)

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The website looks amazing! I can’t wait to order some next week!

RiverTea said

Glad you like it Abby! You’re welcome anytime and if you need help or have any question don’t hesitate to contact me.

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Pandeme said

I’m super excited to try some of these! I’ll have to wait until I get paid before I can order anything, but I definitely have a wish list already :)

RiverTea said

Thanks for stopping by, Pandeme! Curious to know what’s on your wish list :)

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Dexter said

Congrats RiverTea on your grand opening. I haven’t bought tea in 45 days – that’s probably a record for me. Congrats you also were the site that lured me into breaking hiatus. Placed an order tonight. Tons of fun teas on your site.

Sil select said

noooooooooooooooo dexter! you were doing so well! haha

(i’m also looking at picking some tea up…and i need more tea like i need a whole in my head)

RiverTea said

We’re so honoured to be the site that lured you into breaking hiatus :) I guess you had plenty of tea supplies. And I guess you didn’t finished them yet, right? :)
Thank you for your order! Packed and delivered! Anxious to read your reviews.

Co-founder RiverTea.com

Yeah, I call this Dexter damages. Biggest enabler ever. But I’m sooo happy, it makes my day :-) Yay for Dexter and yay for hiatus being on hiatus!

Dexter said

LOL Sorry I didn’t say YOU had to check them out, all I said was that I had bought tea from them. :))
Once you look though, it’s hard to resist. The site is beautiful, well organized, tons of info. There is a nice balance between straight and flavored teas. They have interesting flavors – TONS of CHERRY (that’s what got me). I like that there is free shipping @ 49.00 but inexpensive shipping for smaller orders. I had no intentions of hitting the free shipping, until I started adding stuff to the cart. Mountains of choices. This is pretty much everything I like to see in a tea site. Well done!!

Ditto Dexter, felt exactly the same way…I’m trying assam, darjeeling, puerh, and flavoured. I’m having a flavoured tea cupboard revival lately, I wonder why…
I did add cherry chocolate blend of course! But I find it awesome that they carry so many of them. I had stopped buying cherry teas cause they are never what I’m looking for…but now I feel good about this :-)
(i’m way over the 49$, just can’t help clicking and adding…bad case of agitated fingers)

Sil select said

Only wish i could pick up 25g instead of the 50. My cupboard needs to be smaller! I’m on the verge of just letting it go again hahaha

Sil, come play with us to the dark side, mwahahahaha!!

Dexter said

Sil -- LOL YOUR cupboard needs to be smaller!!! That’s funny – have you seen my cupboard lately? – oh that’s right – you were the one that said it wasn’t that bad.

Sil select said

i bit…picked up 3 teas just to try them out :)

Sil I had a feeling you would cross over, haha!

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Tealizzy said

Just ordered boatsman, granny’s cake, and dolce vita! I love how you include a video for each tea! I’m so excited to try everything! :D

RiverTea said

Hey Tealizzy! Thank you for your order! Monday morning we’ll be shipping your order.
I’m glad you like the videos, huh, such stories behind the scenes… really need to be shared…I’ll write a blog post some day :)

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Hey Rivertea!

I remember having some interesting music conversations with you several months ago, I just revived the post :-)

I’m about to place some major order with you, LOVE, LOVE LOVE your website!!! It’s so clean and yet so informative and detailed. Your teas are mouthwatering, just can’t resist, really hard to decide!

Can’t wait to try them, congratulations!!

Sil select said

…another person who clearly needs more tea haha

Dunno what you mean…

RiverTea said

Hey TheTeaFairy! It means whether we have an unforgettable name, or you have a great memory, or both :) Oh yah, it was more than 10 months ago, I remember now your awesome music tastes!
Thank you so much for your kind words, I’m so excited to hear you love our website! I hope you’ll also love our teas, I can’t wait to hear your opinion after you taste them.


Haha! Actually, my memory is failing me these days, so definitely the name, good on you :-)
Can’t wait to get the order, I’m a huge cherry lover, and was so excited to see so many cherry flavours!

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Sil select said

What the hell! Jumped on the bandwagon and picked up a couple teas to try out :) Love the website design and looking forward to trying out your teas! It was tough picking just a couple to try. I’m sure there will be more orders in the future!

Hoping the samples i picked out carried through the checkout process :)

Which did you pick? :D

Sil select said

assam beast, orange path and tropical dream. Figured it was a good range of teas varieties. I’ve asked for samples of a fruit tea, chocolate tea and another straight tea heh

I need to pick up a prepaid card before I can place my order, which is killing me, because I’ve known for such a long time what I want to get. But I’m looking at:

Tea of Kings (Tried), Pret a Portea (Tried), Absolute Spearmint, Sweet Helen, and Dynamite of Fruits.

Samples: Sky Dive, Sweet Seduction, and Milky Oolong.

I already have my 50g amounts (well, less now) of Mulberry White and Boatsman. I’m debating getting something else to hit the free shipping mark, though…

Sil select said

Nice! I really wanted to pick up sweet Helen…but then i wanted that other one and then that other one and oh wait that one looked good….and i was up to 150$ before i blinked. So i started with 3…but i’ll be back haha

RiverTea said

Thank you for your order Sil! Sure, we’ve added the 3 samples you requested. We’re anxious to read your taste notes :)


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TeaLady441 said

I placed an order too!
I grabbed Assam Beast of the East, Granny’s Cake, and Cherry Dream, and then I saw Roswell Strange’s comment about Mulberry White and I had to cancel my order to add this one in too! (It sounds good and it’s much cheaper than DavidsTea’s Gold Rush!

There goes my Paypal credit! (Which was equal to one tea!)

I can’t remember what my requested samples were. I guess I’ll be surprised, but I remember it was very hard to narrow it all down.

Hard to resist, right? The website is awesome, what a great shopping experience it was…
(Can’t believe I forgot to use my paypal credit, damn!!!)

Ooh, I really hope you like Mulberry White especially since I’m apparently the thing that swayed you to get it. It’s definitely more affordable than Gold Rush (which I also own): Cheaper price per 50g and it’s significantly lighter which means more of it!

TeaLady441 said

It was! And yeah the website was amazing. I left them details about how impressed I was in the comments! Also, I checked online for my order and found that I had requested: Magic Will, Crazy Mint and Sweet Seduction! I’m so excited about those. I can’t wait to plug the tracking number (if available?) into my tracking app!

TeaLady441 said

Guess you’re just gonna have to make a new order?

TeaLady441 said

Roswell Strange – thanks! I have good feeligs about it. I didn’t realize it was lighter too. That’s so awesome. I just love the juicy berries in the DT version, but it doesn’t seem worth the price. I’d be happy if they were comparable in taste, but I wouldn’t be surprised if this version was actually better.

Yes I too left positive feedback, they deserve a good start in order to stick around, it’s always hard for newcomers to really make it! But I’m not too worried, have a feeling they will be very popular around here!

Sil select said

Cavo….may need to swap if either of us picked up things the. Other didn’t heh

TeaLady441 said

Yes! That can be arranged!

RiverTea said

That’s an incredible community here! I’m so thrilled about the positive vibe and all your nice words!
Thank you Cavocorax for your order! Mulberry White is one of my favs too, but hey…tastes can be different, I’m curious to hear your opinion after you taste it.

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Jen said

Oohhhh, I’ll have to buy a couple when I get paid this week, too. Do any of the tea flavourings have gluten?

Also, not sure if it’s my Mac or my browsers (looked with both Firefox and Chrome), but I’m getting “Undefined Index” regarding what looks like the quantity on each item page, and a box for my email if I want to know if it’s back in stock—or have Steepsters just wiped out the stock? ;)

Hahaha! We might just have!!!

Same thing happened on my mac, I am using safari.

RiverTea said

Hi Jen! Thanks for letting us know about the error you get. No, it’s not out of stock, it seems is a bug on our end, we’ll solve it right away :|
We have only 2 teas in our collection that contain gluten: Sweet Meringue (Vanilla Almonds Rooibos Tea) and Dolce Vita (Raspberry, Meringue Black Tea).
Any other questions you might have, I’ll be glad to help you. You can contact me here or on my email address: [email protected]

Jen said

I got lost for a few days. ;) Thank you for letting me know which are off-limits, I appreciate it!

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I love your website and I can’t wait to place an order, can I put my choice for the free samples in the comments? Can’t wait to see what the surprise is!

RiverTea said

Hey Rahul, so glad you like our website! Sure, it would be great if you could leave a comment with your 3 choices for the free samples :)

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