Native American Herbal Tisanes
Native American Tea!!! Great to see you here; I love your stuff. Especially the Victory Tea.
Thanks BrooklynSheep. The Victory Tea is always a favorite wherever we go. Supposedly Bill Clinton drank some of it and liked it. I heard the story but don’t really know if it is true! But we really are in the Smithsonian!
I will be honest that I’ve never had an NDN tea(I grew up with Chinese teas and never really took to other styles of tea)
Concerning your tisanes and general Native traditional teas: Do you suggest drinking them with milk or sugar? What kind of body to they tend to have?
Hi Soul,
Sorry for taking so long to answer!
The recommendation for most of them is a touch of honey and/or twist of lemon.
We have 6 herbal teas. Each one has it’s own body. For most people the Warrior’s Brew and Teepee Dreams would be considered full.
The Indian Love Tea would be considered our weakest body tea.
For the average tea drinker, Teepee Dreams is probably the favorite. For someone with a “developed” tea palette, the Warrior’s Brew appeals. It is a black tea combined with an herbal recipe and has a stronger cinnamon and orange taste.
Hope that helps!
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