How much tea do you drink in a day?

87 Replies
Yvonne said

Well, not drinking any tea today – I burned my tongue so badly yesterday it’s been painful all day. :( I’ve been making little popsicles as a way to dull the pain…I want tea.

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carol who said

Oooo ! What about some tea popsicles? or Blend tea and ice and make a slushy? Hope it gets better soon.

Yvonne said

Hey – that’s a good idea! Soothe my tongue AND get the goodness of tea? I think you’re on to something. :P

Pandeme said

Oooh, that sounds like it would be a great summer treat -even if your tongue isn’t burnt. I’ll have to try it this summer.

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YA said

Four, maybe five cups a day at most, which includes multiple steepings of one batch of tea leaves throughout the day. Otherwise, the caffeine and other constituents of the tea will trigger a migraine, which is not at all good. I wish I could drink more because the teas I tend to drink are different with each infusion, but the consequences just aren’t worth it. :-/

carol who said

Having suffered from migraines for many years, I can relate. You might want to try more herbals. Maybe the “Cold and Flu” tea from Cheshire Fields would help you a little. I know it sounds weird to think cold and flu with migraines but it has helped me in the past. The mint and ginger work to help the nausea and the others help the sinuses which are located right near the areas affected by the migraines. Unfortunately my migraines didn’t go away until I went through menopause. (The only good thing about menopause?) :)

YA said

Thanks, Carol Who, I’ll give the Cold & Flu tea a shot. I’m definitely not going to give up my regular tea, though. I would much rather limit my intake than do without!

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The amount of tea that I consume depends how I feel on that day. Normally, I am between the 4-6 cups a day. Some days are more and some days are less.

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For me it completely depends on my mood and how much time I have. If I’m sitting at home doing nothing it’s not unusual for me to have 6-8 cups of varying kinds, but on a day when I’m in classes, doing errands, etc. it may only be two or three. Today it was four. When I’m sick it’s sometimes even more than eight! But usually more than four cups with caffeine could send me into orbit, haha.

Generally I drink at least one cup in the morning and one in the evening.

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Lynxiebrat said

I’ve yet to really get into a daily long term habit of tea consumption. So maybe at best I will drink about 1-4 cups of tea, and that will depend on what time of day I start, what I am going to do that day and what mood I am in. If I start when I wake up in the morning and got to go to work then it’s usually the most caffinated tea I can find, usually a Mate or Guayusa, or a Black tea or some Green teas (Though most Green tea that I have had don’t seem to have much caffeine.)
If I start in the afternoon, Anything but Mate or Guayusa. Usually not any Black teas either. (Unless it is a favorite like Tower of London or Victorian Earl Grey.)Oolongs has become an strong interest of mine, but I don’t have many of those yet, and kind of hoarding what I got (Especially my Mandarin Silk, because I am on a self imposed hiatus from tea buying till my b-day in March. Excluding replenishing stock, which I’ve got to do this week, and tea buys from individuals, swaps and giveaways. Yes I know that techinically buying more Mandarin Silk would be replenishing my stock, but shhh! I’m trying to be a good kitty.)
Early Evening, White tea that has proven by past experiences to have significantly less caffeine and that is calming.
Mid-to-late evening, herbals/rooibos. though will sometimes have a White tea that late, particularly if it has in the past helped me sleep.

Though lately, it is rare for me to drink even as much as I listed above. On days that I’ve been away from the house, if I have 1-2 I’m lucky.Half the time I have to run out the door as soon as I get my behind out of bed.

Alot of days, I wind up not having any. But this overall doesn’t bother me…I kind of prefer treating my tea as a treat…that way it lasts alittle longer.

But when I get a new job…hmm. I might end up having to drink more tea in the morning just so I can keep up. Cross that bridge when I get to it, I suppose.

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MagicDon said

It depends on how strong the first tea of the day is, or if Iv eaten something that requires the aid of a strong chinese green tea. But in general 1-3 pots

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