I drink several liters of tea daily, at least. Just depends on the day and who else is around to share some with. 2-3 cups a day at most, are caffeinated, and only because my body starts to rebel at that point. Some are sweetened with some form of stevia, many are straight.
I’m the same way, mostly I drink one or two caffeinated cups of tea in the morning and then switch to rooibos teas or other caffeine free teas. I always drink my tea straight though, unless I’m sick in which case I like to put some honey and lemon into whatever I’m drinking.
I’m not a good example as I tend to take an all or nothing approach to most things in life, but when I’m on a tea binge I will drink it continually. I’m somewhat orally fixated and if I’m not drinking tea, I tend to have a bottle of Diet Coke or water or a cup of coffee or some such around, and I’ve been this way for my entire adult life.
Now, one thing I will say that I’ve noticed is that I don’t appreciate the tea that I drink as much when I’m drinking it continually as I do when I drink it anywhere from occasionally to once ever few hours or so. So when I really want to enjoy something I’ve been looking forward to trying, I try to do it when my mouth has had a rest from tea. I’m able to appreciate the entire experience more.
As far as whether drinking it continually is a bad thing, I have no idea from a medical perspective. But from a practical perspective I take a comparative view. I have had days where I’ve had more than 6 20 oz Diet Cokes. That can’t possibly be good for me, and it’s hard for me to imagine that whatever the downsides of drinking that much tea, they’re nowhere near the downsides of that much Diet Coke. I also enjoy a nice glass of wine (or two, or sometimes three), but drinking more than that as I have on occasion is also not at all good for me. Probably the only thing that would be better than tea is water, and even water is problematic these days what with plastic bottles and concerns about tap water and all. At least when I’m drinking tea, I’m filtering and sometimes boiling the water, so that probably does something good for the tap situation as well. ;-)
I try to limit it to morning, afternoon and evening; 3 times a day. Sometimes, particularly when drinking an oolong, I’ll resteep a couple times…but I try to limit it as much as I can. I want tea to remain a treat and not so much an addiction.
i am proud to say 4 cups per day…problem is that my mug is about the size of a Big Gulp. So I reckon I’m up there at about 12 cups or so…. primarily decaf now that it’s doctors orders for a fast heart rate…..
So when we say “cups” are we talking about 8 ounces cups or the actually physical “cup” that you’re drinking out of? I only have 2 to 5 cups/mugs of tea a day, but since most of my mugs are 16 oz, I guess that would make it 4 to 10 cups. All herbals.
I tend to count 1 teaspoon of tea (or whatever the recommended per serving is, 1 teabag if that’s what you’re using) as 1 cup of tea. So if you’re using three teaspoons in a strainer in a large mug, I’d count that as three cups.
I usually consider a “cup” of tea 1 teaspoon of tea (or whatever the serving size is) in 8 ounces of water. So if I use my 16oz mug I’d consider that two “cups” of tea. (Also, I usually put more tea in when I’m using more water, so if I’m making/using a 16oz cup I’d double what I put in an 8oz cup, because I like my tea strong. Which is also why I’d consider it two “cups”)
my two ‘cups’ Chatsford teapot is a 0.5L. so consider that 2 ‘cups’
Zero teapot of 0.7L is a three cup. I drink 6 cups of black i.e. 1.4 ltr. and about 0.5 ltr. of green tea daily, so pretty much down to approx. 2 litres.
Same here… I consider a cup of tea as one serving in a single cup of water.
uhhh, I drink around 4 liters a day.
I drink 10-15 6 oz cups per day, or 2-3 quarts of tea. Roughly a third of that is decaf or tisanes
Yeesh. And I thought my 2 or 3 12oz cups of tea a day was alot. I’m such a lightweight apparently. Lol!
2-3 litres, I think. 2-3 travel mugs in the morning, then when I get home I try to have a couple non-black teas and then I move on to tisanes.
I have 4 mug-fulls in the morning (18 oz; you can decide how many cups that is) of green, black, white, oolong or mate, and then 1-2 mug-fulls of herbals or rooibos in the afternoon. Sometimes when I get home I’ll have another mug of some kind of herbal/rooibos blend, but often if I’m going to make a hot beverage I made hot chocolate at home :)
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