Chado Tea Rooibos Blends?
They have a huge selection of what look like very interesting flavored rooibos blends at pretty good prices. Anyone have any thoughts or experiences? Not a lot of reviews for them. I’d be interested to see how they compare to something like Adagio.
I was not a fan of Chado. I found their blends to be rather bland, lacking much flavor. I gave some to a coworker, though, and she seems to be enjoying them, so maybe it’s just me.
Thanks. Are these really “DARK” rooibos blends? I am not a fan of really thin-bodied teas generally. Some of the rooibos blends seem to look like you’ve already steeped it twice – not a lot of color, and hence not much body to the tea.
I too was intrigued by the large selection of rooibos at Chado. I’m not sure what you call “dark” rooibos blends. If you mean red rooibos, as opposed to green, then yes, I think they are. I’ve tried quite a few of their blends. Some are good, some are less good (to my taste). None were particularly memorable.
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