gschuschke said


Has anyone tried these yet? This is what they say about teardrops." A Teadrop is an individual morsel comprised of finely sourced tea, natural sugar, and aromatic spices creating a blissful tea blend. Enjoy anywhere." I think they look very cute! Heres the website

12 Replies

That looks kinda neat. Be good for travelling or maybe for interesting tea time with guests. However, not sure how these teadrops will taste.

Lala said

The taste would be my concern as well. It is hard to see the actual size of the drops on the website, but it does seem to be a lot of dissolvable tea. My other concern would there would need to be some kind of “gumming” agent to get the tea to stay in the tea drop form.

I wonder since the tea dissolves on whether it’s full of artificial flavors for it to taste more like tea. Or the tea is just dusty tea sweepings and we’ll get lots of debris in the bottom of the cup.

Teadrops said

Hey guys, It makes me SO excited to see this post about Teadrops. So hopefully you’re not creeped out by us chiming in. We wanted to address any concerns about the quality or taste of Teadrops. Teadrops are comprised of finely ground tea (from the tea estates of India for our current selection), the best quality spices we can find, and natural/organic sugar. That’s it. There are no artificial flavors and because this is not instant tea, but rather genuine tea leaves – some sediment at the bottom is normal (think French press coffee when you have some sediment at the bottom). Our goal with Teadrops is simply to break down any barriers to drinking tea without sacrificing the quality or taste.

In terms of new flavor offerings – we are launching a Sweet Peppermint & Vanilla Earl Grey selection in the next month.

We’re happy to answer any other questions that the community might have :) Thanks so much for your comments and visiting the site.


Sashee Chandran (Teadrops Founder)

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Dustin said

So far they only have one variety/flavor. :/

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gschuschke said

I ordered one and sent one to my daughter as a gift. I will let you know what I think after I get them! I love cardamon so I’m not to disappointed about one flavor. I do understand they have to start somewhere and will add more flavors. I love trying novelty tea products and giving them as gifts

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It is an interesting product, just a little “steep” on the price side. Paying more than a dollar for a cup of tea…

I guess my other concern is that then your tea is just going to over-brew, no? Also how do you drink it without drinking the leaves/spices?

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Lala said

I know teadrops said in their above reply that it is not instant tea, but that is what it seems to me. Finely ground tea leaves that dissolve in the water. Maybe it is just a terminology thing.

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Lala, it is possible that it’s just semantics, however I don’t think I like this idea. I enjoy the traditional way of brewing tea, and I would hardly lose any time at all by using an infuser and some loose leaf tea.

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I just received a box of cardamom tea drops … and I’m just about to try my first cup of the tea. Here are my initial thoughts that I’ll share while I’m waiting for the tea to cool.

First, concerning price – I can understand the initial hesitancy with the price but … it comes in a really beautiful box. I am sure that the packaging has something to do with the price point. My comment to Tea Drops would be that perhaps you could offer a “refill” pack to return customers that would be more cost efficient packaging. We could reuse the box and save money with future purchases.

Instant tea to me is the granules of tea (like the liptons instant stuff), and this isn’t that. It does dissolve nearly instantly, though. So, perhaps it is semantics … but, I definitely find this to be more appealing than the granules of instant tea that you can buy in jars in the grocery store.

There are those that would argue that using an infuser is not the traditional way to brew tea. Purists would say that tea should only be brewed loose in a tea pot and then strained. I used to be that way. But, since then, I’ve come to embrace the simplicity of using my breville one touch … tradition is awesome … but there’s nothing wrong with finding something new. I can see these drops being a great solution to times when you can’t do the loose leaf thing.

One thing that I think … I’d rather not be in this is the sugar. I prefer to choose the amount of sugar that goes into my tea (which is usually no sugar), so I guess that would be my biggest issue thus far. However, now that I’ve taken a sip, I find it not to be too sweet, and the amount of sugar that is here does nicely accent the cardamom.

It’s actually quite tasty. Watch for my full-length review on SororiTea Sisters – It will publish tomorrow morning.

OK, now that I’ve consumed the cup and had time to reflect upon it, I’ll say this: This is actually pretty good. I’d take this over a grocery store bagged tea any day.

There is sediment at the bottom of the cup. I’m not fond of floaters in my tea. So if you don’t like that either … I’d advise to stop drinking when the level of the tea is about 1/2 inch to the bottom of your cup. I didn’t get any leaf/sediment in my sip until I got down beyond the 1/2 inch mark … and the rest of the cup was actually quite enjoyable.

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twingles3 said

I just received my first order of Tea Drops. I pretty much agree with LiberTEAS
I rarely put sugar in my tea unless it’s chai. So I ordered the cardamom drops. I can tell there is sugar in it but it’s not overly sweet. And thankfully not an artificial sweetner! So by the recommended suggestion by the founder Sashee Chandran I added a little milk and that helped balance out the sweetness and was a nice calming chai which I quite enjoyed! The box is very cute and I will come up with something to reuse it for. I will reorder Tea Drops are something I would like to keep around. And I loved the hand written card that came with my order by the founder!

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