Other tea sites to explore
Are there any other tea places online, except for stores, that you guys find interesting?
Nicole shared this site on the National Hot Tea Month thread I started.
I get a lot of info from just googling questions or types of teas. It either leads to an info page, like Wikipedia, or it leads to a retailer. Many retailers often have good info on the teas they sell, a good example is www.teavivre.com.
I second the reddit one. Just be ready for the amount of pictures of teaware there is. Not a complqint for me but some people have whined on there about it before.
There was a thread not too long ago about tea blogs. Man of them are fun and informative.
I posted this a few weeks ago that has a ton of tea themed info http://steepster.com/discuss/6578-collection-of-tea-themed-knowledge but also I browse pinterest and tumblr for tea bits as well.
I use this site:
it’s in German, but for those who do not master the language, you could try google translate.
it has over 3,600 teas in their database.
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