Hello, I would love to participate! I am interested in the $25 package. Your cupboard is very impressive and I found it so hard to narrow down my tea choices. I picked 6 teas, I hope that’s ok, please let me know if I need to narrow down even further. (I LOVE all of your PuErh tea! It’s one of my favorite kind!!)
1) Caramel Toffee PuErh
2) Campfire Blend
3) Almond Sugar Cookie
4) PuErh Vaniliia Mint
5) I noticed you had a few different kinds of chocolate tea, could you send me your favorite
6) Chocolate Orange
I am VERY new to tea and just want to try everything. This post seams like a deal that I could jump in on. Are you still doing this?
Hey Kayla, I replied in the (wrong) thread; I’ve already sent you a note.
Are you still doing this? I’d love to get a mystery box if you are.
Definitely. Have sent you a note!
I would be interested as well.
Count me in too, please!!
Thanks everyone! I will send out notes on Wednesday when I’m back and have some time.
Hey MissB! I’d love to do this also!
Sounds good! Sending you a note now.
This sounds like fun! If you’re not too overwhelmed I would love to hop on board as well! :)
Not overwhelemed at all. Will send you a note! :)
I would like a $15 box if you are still doing this. Thanks! :)
Sounds good! $15 is more of a large stuffed bag than a box, however I’ll send you a note now to discuss. :)
Are you still doing this? If so, I’d be interested in either the $15 or the $25 package. I’m just branching out of grocery store teas, so I’m still quite a newbie.
I don’t know if any of this stuff is important, but just some information on my tea preferences:
I love green tea, and even though I’ve only tried a couple Rooibos and white teas, I’m enjoying those too. I pretty much only like flavored black tea, and I’ve never tried oolong or pu erh, though I’d love to try both. And I love desserty type teas, especially chai and vanilla flavors. Also, I’m allergic to kiwi, don’t know if that’s relevant, but apparently bacon tea is a thing, so just throwing that out there. Also, really don’t like licorice (or bacon for that matter).
Hey Mandy: still doing this. :) I’ll send you a note now!
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