Simple Loose Leaf | We now have two pretty awesome new club formats.
Hey Steepster,
We just wanted to share our new(ish) format for our Tea of the Month Clubs. We came to this forum and others for insight about a new format that we were working on. With your help we came up with the “You Pick It” Tea Club where every month we send you a list of 5 teas and you get to pick any two teas on that list for your next month’s club shipment. You also get a free sample of one of the following month’s teas, and you get to pick the sample.
This format led us to what we think is a pretty swell way to go about the customizable Tea of the Month Club. (Which is what we do.) We now offer, in addition to our normal format, a flat rate ongoing Tea of the Month Club where you tell us on the front end what teas you would like. But, the subscription will self terminate at the end of six months, the club charges your card on the 1st of each month (you do not have to prepay for the teas), and you can cancel anytime.
Oh when we send you your tea for the month we will send you a free sample of your next selection of tea. That way you can try it and if you aren’t thrilled about it there is time to change your selection. And because the club is a flat price, switching teas is as easy as letting us know you want to change something.
Check out our new clubs here.
Hope everyone had a safe and awesome New Year Eve.
Andrew F.
How’s it going so far? Is this a new business?
I have started a review site in the UK for tea gift sets and I’m looking to build its content, please take a look and if you have any thoughts I’d be glad to listen.
I see that shipping is free in the US. Can Canadians play also? or are shipping costs going to be prohibitive?
Yeah, sorry for the moment we are not offering shipping into Canada. Once we grow enough we will expand into Canada. Part of the issue is the shipping cost, which is crazy expensive, but also the customs forms and all that jazz.
That said, we have a certain size in mind and once we hit that we will look to start offering this service in Canada.
Well hello again, fancy meeting you here. We don’t really have a Canadian sign up list but we are doing our first Canadian member this month, a special case, and if that goes well we will open up our store to all Canadians. So check back in like 2 weeks. And we will announce it here and other places.
Is it possible to buy tea without a subscription? Just curious… I checked out your website and I was trying to figure it out :)
There isn’t. Outside of samples, we are strictly a member curated Tea of the Month company.
There are a million places to buy tea online, and there are some that are awesome. We decided that we couldn’t add value to the online tea community by going into a traditional e-commerce business. But we saw that there were/are no other companies that offer a customized/member curated Tea of the Month Club format. So that is where we have been focusing all of our attentions.
Argh. I really wish that weren’t so, SimpleLooseleaf. I have fallen in love with Madagascar Coconut White, but cannot at this time justify getting a tea club subscription both because of cost and not knowing when or where I’ll be moving in the next couple of months.
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