Hi everyone! I'm new to the site, suggestions needed :)
Hi everyone, I just wanted to pop in and say hi and maybe ask for some recommendations. I have just recently gotten interested in loose leaf teas and have been sticking mainly to herbals because I have to limit my caffeine intake, so I would love to hear what companies offer quality online herbal teas. I realize that they are not a true tea, but because of my caffeine issues, I can only have one cup of real tea a day or else I am laying awake staring at the ceiling all night, lol. I pretty much have to buy online because I live in a rural area. I have tried lots of Teavana and have also tried Serendipitea, Harney and Sons and have an order in at Puritea and Upton Tea. I got a sample of Jasmine Dragon Pearls from Harney and love them! I have resteeped them several times and am looking around for some more tea like this, so any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. I have been trying to order samples of different types of tea so I can see what each kind tastes like. My New Years resolution is to try all the tea! I have bee trying to do research on the different types of tea and what makes them different from each other. I guess you could say I have an obsessive personality :) I originally found this site looking for reviews of teas, and have been reading reviews and discussion topics for the last week or so and decided what the heck, I might as well join. Thanks in advance for any suggestions!
Della Terra has some nice tisanes. I really like the Lime chiffon, lemmon chiffon and black cat blends they have. Lupicia has some decaf tea too. They have a cherry flavored one that I like. Starts with an S, but I don’t remeber the name. 52teas has many honeybush blends that lots of folks like. David’s tea has a bunch of options too.
This is a good thread to start—I’m in much the same position, particularly with the caffeine issues. I’ve enjoyed Petali teas in the past, but it has been a while and was before my doctor told me to cut back on caffeine, so they may not have been decaf.
Sarah posted a similar thread just before the holidays, and I sent her two packages of stuff to try out. She mostly wanted mint chocolate tisanes, however she then branched out into just plain tisanes and/or rooibos. Maybe search for that conversation, too?
EDIT – Here you go: http://steepster.com/discuss/6541-help-a-newbie-if-i-love-teavanas-white-chocolate-peppermint-ill-like
I strongly recommend Tea Gschwendner for their herbals, especially Bamboo Pomelo — although I’ve loved all of their tisanes so far: Rooibush Eggnog, Rooibush Apple Strudel, Kapha, Pitta, etc.
Herbal Infusions in Canada has Cacao Tea, and Whispering Pines has some amazing herbals and non caffeinated blends as well. American Tea Room has a few I’ve really enjoyed (Lemoncello) as well as Tealish (Lemon Meringue). Then there’s Upton; I’ve yet to love anything of theirs, however they have sample sizes of everything and a truly huge selection. Della Terra’s sample packs are also excellent, although I really have only enjoyed a select few of theirs enough to recommend.
Thank you, MIss B! I’m a big fan of tisanes and rooibos as well. Hubby suggested he’d like to buy tea for our birthdays, and he does love the thrill of the hunt. ;)
You may also want to check out Mahamosa. Their green teas helped me to stretch beyond my usual favorite black teas. I haven’t tried many of their herbal tisanes, but they have a number of interesting flavors and I’ve enjoyed all the green and black teas I’ve gotten from them. Plus you can purchase samples in case you don’t want to try larger sizes for the first time.
Thanks for the responses so far everyone and Miss B I will definitely check out that thread, thank you! Can anyone recommend some jasmine teas? I found a thread for black teas but I am not a black tea fan, I really liked the one I tried from Harney, I think it was Jasmine Dragon Pearls or something like that. It’s ok if they aren’t decaf, I can sacrifice for a good jasmine tea, that can be my one cup in the morning :)
Verdant Tea had some killer Jasmine White, though it’s not in stock. I’d keep checking (maybe around spring?) to see if they get it again. http://verdanttea.com/shop/white-tea/
Mandala Tea’s jasmine pearls (green) is also pretty good. http://shopmandalatea.com/green-jasmine/premium-dragon-phoenix-pearls.html
Nature’s Tea Leaf has a herbal jasmine http://www.naturestealeaf.com/herbal-tea/dried-jasmine-herbal-tea.html though as a warning, its really really strong! I personally add a couple buds to other teas to enhance or add jasmine flavor.
Tea Embassy has my favorite jasmine tea. Jasmine silver needle white. http://www.teaembassy.com/jasmine-silver-needles-white-tea/ It is pricey, but it is an enjoyable cup.
If you don’t have time to dig through that thread, you could take a peek at my cupboard and shopping list… I put most of the recommendations on there.
A friend is a big fan of the Moonlight white tea, but they have several: http://www.herbs-teas.com/search/jasmine%20tea I’ll have to check some of these others out myself!
Just new here as well. Thanks for starting this thread! Some great ideas to get started. I’m moving away from my morning coffee and really enjoy blended teas. I’ve been looking at several sites over the past couple of days and this looks like a great spot to share ideas. There is a David’s teas in the mall close to me and I’m going to head over there after work to start a base of teas to work with. Any good ideas on what to start with?
well whatever you do, only grab about 20 to 30grams so you can sample the teas. If you like them, go back and get more.
What to get? Oh my, DT has a huge range and I’d need to know what you kinda like already.
Though, getting some of DT’s popular teas would be an idea, like Goji pop, buttered rum, and read my lips. Hit the “teas” button here and steepster and find DavidsTea and check out the highest rated teas to also help.
Fusion teas (http://www.fusionteas.com/) have some really interesting tisanes but if you are caffeine sensitive make sure to stay away from Mate and Guayusa as both are caffeinated herbals.
I happen to actually enjoy a number of herbals from Davids (www.davidstea.com) as well. A lot of people on here prefer 52Teas (www.52teas.com) or Della Terra (www.dellaterrateas.com) but I have always preferred Davids to those two. Peppermint, Spearmint, Oh Canada, Currant Affair, Lemon Myrtle, Rooibos De Provence, and Detox are faves, off the top of my head. Tea Forte (www.teaforte.com) also has some good blends, but I find them hit or miss.
Do you happen to have any home goods or bookstore chains near you? In Canada at least you can find loose tea at places like Chapters and Winners. You might be able to find something closer than you think. :)
Most of my tea drinking is unflavoured blacks so that is about it for recommendations from me but I hope you find some teas to love!
Thanks!! I placed an order with Fusion Teas for samples of lychee licious green tea, jasmine pearls green tea, tropical tulsi herbal tea, carribean nectar rooibos and 3 oz of jasmine with flowers green tea. I hated to order so many samples but I recently had a bad experience with ordering a few four ounce bags from a company I hadn’t ever ordered from and then was super unhappy with the quality of the tea, so it’s samples for me from now on, if possible :) I am now trying to decide on one more small order…. lol
Welcome! Samples ARE great! A few teas I love:
Teavivre Peach Jasmine Dragon Pearls Green, & their jasmine dragon pearls are nice too.
Tea Spot Meditative Mind (white tea, jasmine pearls, rosebuds)
Republic of Tea Orange Ginger Mint (no caffeine)
Teavana Peach Tranquility (no caffeine)
Yogi Tea Egyptian Licorice (no coffeine)
Terri, I have the Peach Tranquility from Teavana and love it! Thanks for the ideas on the other teas, I will be adding some of them to my shopping list and Teavivre is one of the companies I have been thinking about ordering from, and so is Republic of Tea. Would you say that Republic of Tea usually has high quality products? There are just sooo many different companies out there, I’m sure as time goes by I will know my way around better, but as for right now it’s still hit and miss for me.
I happen to love Teavivre but didn’t recommend them since you’re trying to avoid caffeine. I see you ordered some green teas though so I’ll throw in a strong vote for Teavivre for unflavoured teas. Just keep in mind that most traditional caffeine ideas are myths. Many greens, whites and oolongs have as much or more caffeine than black teas. There are a bunch of threads and articles in the discussions if you want to read further, but basically just pay attention to your body and remember that if it has camellia, it has caffeine! :) Happy sipping!
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