Tainted Tea - Can it be saved?
So I got this nifty little 5 mini tin assortment of Kusmi teas for Christmas with Russian Morning No. 24, Jasmine Green, Kashmir Tchai, Earl Grey & Decaffinated Earl Grey. Neat sounding teas but unfortunately due to the two earl grey tins, all of them essentially smelled like earl grey. Except the Kashmir Tchai which mostly smelled spicy.
I was hoping that the smell didn’t seep as far as the taste, but unfortunately it seems to have, well, seeped. The Russian Morning I just made has an unpleasant undercurrent of earl grey to it. I haven’t tried any of the others, but judging from the smell from them, I’d say it’s the same story for the rest.
So is there a way to save them? Or are they doomed to a earl grey downfall?
Any suggestions would be marvelous.
Hope everyone is having/had a great New Years. Thanks!
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