Almost done with work, will be there at 8 pm!
Thanks for another great meet up everyone!
For those that asked for a list of the teas we had :)
The raw puerh Shunan gave us before we ordered.
Big Meng Song 大勐宋
Meng Song Mountain, Yun Nan, Spring 2011
Silver Needle 白毫銀針
Dian Tou, Fu Ding, Fu Jian, Early Spring 2013
Rou Gui 肉桂
Lotus Peak, Wu Yi Mountain, Fu Jian, Spring 2012
Lightest Fermentation 鐵觀音正炒
Fu Di, An Xi, Fu Jian, Autumn 2012
Zheng Shan Xiao Zhong 正山小種
Tong Mu Guan, Wu Yi Mountain, Fu Jian, Spring 2012
Thanks for being our tea guide, Nicole!
And thanks to Jason for spreading Steepster cheer!
Nicole, thanks so much! It was such a nice evening and I truly enjoyed the four teas you chose for us to try. It was particularly fascinating to sample them at different temperatures and brewings! I can’t think of a better way to spend a winter evening than getting to know the personalities of four fine teas, and five very nice people. The only downside of the event is that now I think I have a tea hangover…time to make another pot of tea, then….
I had a really great time. Thanks to Nicole for leading us on our tea journey and thanks to everyone who showed up for being awesome people. Looking forward to exploring more NYC tea spots with you all.
Sooooo, is this happening again (pretty please can this happen again).
We do these about once a month. Look out for the next thread. We were looking at doing something in the same area or in Brooklyn for February. :-)
Sigh. I wish I was in New York!
I’m SO SORRY I missed this. If there’s ever a NYC meet up again, I’d love to tag along…
Does anyone have any interest in attending an event at Tea Drunk? Here’s their classes/events page:
I’d be interested in “Tea 103” and the story readings.
I’ll be at the next one on Monday since I’ll be working :)
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