Oolong, has it been going on
Ok cheesy puns aside, any suggestions for a few oolongs to try.
This month as i’m pretty well stocked on tea I’m not looking at adding much to my collection but would like some wonderful varied oolongs to try. It’s a type of tea I don’t know much about other than the flavours and tastes you get are very wide ranging.
I’m pretty partial to black teas generally and like standout tastes although I’m no fan of anything smoky (or not that is a dominant taste).
Budget I’m pretty open, looking for a few to try just to broaden my taste horizons.
MBT – Keep It Simple
If you like black teas, you may like Wuyi oolongs. They are a darker roast oolong, similar to a black tea.
If you wish to broaden your taste horizons, then perhaps you should try teas which are quite different from those you have tried before. How about some quality green oolongs?
Best wishes,
Just recently started to explore the world of oolongs.. So far I’ve tasted some very nice Chinese and Taiwanese oolong teas and a vietnamese Tra brand oolong that tasted too green, unripe, for my taste. I like sweet tasty oolongs. I found a Taiwanese highland oolong in europe, 100 gr. for 8 euros, and a chinese tie kuan yin from the golden sail brand in a nice tin, 200 gr. for only 7 euros that compares pretty well but for me the Taiwanese highland tea is a clear winner..
yeah, oolongs are such a diverse category…some are very light and green and fresh tasting (bao zhongs/pouchongs/paper-wrapped-style and some spring TGYs), with floral notes, some (high altitude and many Taiwanese for example) have a creaminess or fruitiness to them, some use leafhoppers to give the tea a honey sweetness, and then on the other end some are practically as dark and roasty as black tea or even coffee, with mineral or charcoal notes (wuyi of course, or old school formosa, or some dong ding aged stuff). the oxidation levels vary and all that. what kind of profile are you looking for (or wish to avoid)? given what you’ve said about liking strong tastes and black tea, i’d highly recommnd butiki’s 2003 reserve four seasons oolong (you might also like her gui fei which has a very toasty, almost burnt quality). as black as the blackest teas dry and brews up dark too, with lots of unique toasty qualities i really dig as an ex-coffee addict. bonus, it resteeps like a champ, so 1 or 2 teaspoons can get you through an entire day.
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