I'm back, did anyone miss me?
Hi all, after about an 8 month hiatus, I am so happy to be back on Steepster. I felt I had to stay away because I had some swaps I hadn’t sent out for an embarrassing amount of time, and I couldn’t justify just hanging out when people were waiting for their teas. I did finally complete my swaps and the people who had been waiting were very gracious about it.
I no longer use Splenda at all. I used to put two packets in every cup I drank whether it needed it or not. I do put a pinch of stevia in every cup, though. I just am not evolved enough to drink it black yet.
Because of circumstances in my life I just can’t promise to be a quick package mailer. So I’m saying now that I will only do swaps if the person swapping with me waits to receive my package before they send theirs to me.
Its been lots of fun reading the old tasting notes! I missed Steepster and all you Steepsterites! Carry on!
Welcome back! I think quite a few of us zip in and out of steepster! :)
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