I got exactly what I wanted teawise. Of course, I ordered it for myself and put it under the tree…….. ;)
My brother got me some blooming tea and a cool-shaped glass teapot with a teapot warmer. He did good, since I probably wouldn’t get those things for myself, but they are still nice to have!
I got almost no Christmas gifts, but my mom seems willing to go pot shopping later, so I have no complaints. (I also got wool socks and a coat, and I’ve been cold, so I’m happy about that.) Anyway, IfJuly sent me an amazing tea package, which pretty much made my Christmas, and my mom did buy me 4 ounces of my favorite rooibos blend from a local coffee shop (which is the only place I’ve seen to buy it), and I’m so thrilled. I still have to buy gifts for others, but at this point, they’ll be New Years Gifts…
Tea filled Christmas this year, since my parents didn’t know really what else to get me. Lol!
Aside from the Butiki order my Mom gave me early, I got a Tardis Teapot, a really nifty crazy house teapot made by Dept56 and a cute little Japanese teapot. I also got an Adagio gift card and a tin of the Gemini blend tea (which smells amazing), a tin of senTEAmental Moods’ Chicago Passion blend (since I’m always pining after my Mom’s package), and a DavidsTea gift card (with three samples – White Chocolate Frost, Alpine Punch, & Gingerbread). I’m totally bummed that DavidsTea doesn’t accept their giftcards for online purchases. That’s where I was planning on ordering from since the nearest store is a good half hour away. /mopes/
So aside from the completely depressing news that I have to take my parent’s dog to the vet to be put to sleep tomorrow, it was a good day. Oo;
Edit: Oh. And this isn’t technically tea, but it’s related. I also got a ‘Serenity Brand Green Tea’ shirt. – http://www.tshirtbordello.com/images/serenity-green-tea-l3.jpg
I’m really sorry about your parents’ dog. That’s so horrible!
Thanks. I’m not quite so attached as my parents. It’s them I’m really worried about since my Dad is taking this horribly hard.
We would have taken him either yesterday or today if there was someplace open that wasn’t either nearly an hour drive away, or would n’t charge an arm, leg + kidney to do it.
Even parents taking deaths hard can be rough. But it’s also both understandable and kind of evil you had to wait until tomorrow to have a dog put down. That just makes it worse for an extra day…
My daughter got a tea-rex infuser: http://tinypic.com/view.php?pic=n5s38&s=5
(It’s for me so that I can make her tea, but it’s adorable! The head pops right back)
There’s a member here named t-rex (http://steepster.com/tea-rex) – I wonder if he/she knows about this!
I have this infuser! It’s adorable, but it’s difficult to fill, as a warning. (The neck is narrow, which is how you fill it.) But it’s a great conversation piece.
Thanks for the heads up! I didn’t think it was practical but it’ll look good on my shelf!
My parents won’t buy me tea paraphernalia because my mom insists she’d only mess it up (despite all my attempts to tell her it’s the thought that counts and she couldn’t possibly mess it up). So I wasn’t expecting (and didn’t receive) anything from them.
My sister, though, got me a really darling little infuser. His name is Cliff, and he’s a mountain climber.
( It’s this one:
http://www.tintoyarcade.com/product_images/z/tta3595_cliff_the_climber_tea_infuser_02__23905.jpg )
And also got me some handmade tea flavored all natural lip gloss/chapstick. So that was a nice surprise. :)
moraiwe – Cliff is the cutest thing! Can I adopt your sister when you’re done with her?
LOL! I kinda like her, so I don’t know about adopting her out. (But I’ll share!)
My mate just returned from an out of state trip, which included sorting through some of his late mother’s estate items. Bless her heart, she owned an antique shop at one time. So far I’ve unearthed a beautiful little Qing Dynasty gaiwan — raspberry glaze with incised dragons — and I’m told there are various teacups and saucers buried in the boxes as well. I’ll be celebrating the holidays for quite awhile!
The photo I took with my phone came out sadly fuzzy. I’ll try again once I unpack the rest of the tea ware.
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