Rose Congou Tea from Butchart Gardens

I’m new here and was adding the Rose Congou Tea from Butchart Gardens to my Tealog when I read that this is a rebranding of another company’s tea. Does anyone know what that company’s name is? I’d like to have another source beside Butchart Gardens. Thanks!

6 Replies
Dinosara said

It’s hard to say, and the person that wrote that it was a rebrand on the tea info here was last here 4 years ago, so I doubt they’ll be chiming in!

However, there are many Rose Congous around. My favorite is Rose Scented from Harney & Sons (super rosy). Another good one is Rose Congou from Upton Tea Imports, but it is less rosy and focuses slightly more on the black tea base.

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Lala said

Even if it is a rebrand, you could add it is as from Butchart Gardens.

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Dustin said

If you look on the tea’s Steepster page, on the right hand side towards the bottom will be suggestions of teas that are similar. That might be a good place to start.

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Our Rose Congou Tea is a special blend made for us by Canterbury Coffee and Tea. As it was developed for us, the only place it is available for sale is in the Dining Room, our gift store and on line through Canterbury.

Thank you for your interest.

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Thank you, everyone, for your replies. I guess my husband & I will have to just go to Butchart Gardens again ;> to get more of our favorite tea.

yyz said

Emma, you can order it from Bucharts gift shop online. That wasn’ t exactly clear in the message aboveabove. But if you live close take the excuse to visit again. I would.

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