I couldn't resist, just having fun.

27 Replies

My email is on my profile, I will try sending out a few more samples.
I don’t yet have any comments on my Steepster list of teas, so I am hoping to build on that to get the word out about teas that have been best sellers for years at my restaurant/ teahouse.
The Almond Orange, even though it is a rooibos, has consistently outsold every other tea. That is one I blend as well.

I’m sorry I can’t do any more samples to Canada. I found out the shipping is $6 on the two samples I sent. So, I’d have to charge for shipping.

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I have to say too that I haven’t tried the teas you sent me. We were on vacation and I wasn’t going to have a good way to steep my teas. We are home now and I have to say that I too am eager to try the Almond Orange as the fragrance when I opened the bag was amazing.. & I’m not often too keen on citrus teas. The Duck Dinah’s Tea also smells good and think I may try it for an evening cup tonight if we don’t have the itch to go out.

I will be sure to post reviews when I do try them :) Your samples were generous and I’m eager to see how they taste. Is there a way to tell which teas you blend?

Do post when you have sales, or savings on shipping, as I’m sure some of us will be looking for an excuse to order some.

Oh.. just looked at your website and see that you have free shipping all the time.

Oh.. just looked at your website and see that you have free shipping all the time.Only a few of your teas are listed online unless you pull up the pdf file.. I assume all of those are available for sale as well? Wish your French macaroon could make the shipment.. looks delish.

Thanks so much for my first tasting note Suziqzer! I have over 100 teas, so I’ve, so far, only done a Tea Cart with some of the more popular tea. Everyone uses the 1st cart, since all the teas are the same price, you just need to add the name of the tea from the PDF menu in the note section when you pay.

All the Teas that I blend are highlighted in blue at the end of the descriptions.

If ’Steepsters" will let me know they are from here in the notes section, I will include a sample or two of my blends.

My menu has teas from many companies, Metropolitan, Rishi, Deflefsen Balk, Eastern Shore, Harney, Monterey Bay Spice and more.

So, it is a good way to get some of the more popular tea from all over at a one order, combined shipping, place.

You’re welcome! I enjoyed the Almond Orange Rooibos … A unexpected flavor I enjoyed. Hubby tried the Duck Dinah’s Tea last night but his review was simply that he liked it. I ended up going for an old stand by last night, but it’s on the top of my soon to try teas.

Thanks for the info on ordering. I will have to look closer at the PDF file if/when I order the Almond orange :). I’ve got some to get through before I add to my stash.

I thought I recognized a few of the blends maybe from other companies .. Like u said, might be a good way to try a few with the same shipping fee.

Thanks again for your generosity. A nice treat!

I have updated my Steepster Bio with the Tea lines in my cart.
Thanks so much for the comments.

Looks great! Thanks for taking the time to do that. When I get through some of what I have, I will take a closer look!

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Jen said

I love that, it looks great!

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TeaLady441 said

I think it’s great that you sell teas from multiple companies. That makes you more exciting to look at if we want to branch out. However, I think I would rather see the list sorted by company so I know what’s what, especially if it was a tea I tried elsewhere and didn’t care for! Would that be possible?

I really appreciate the feedback Cavocorax. I have updated my BIO, which I hope will help, for now with the Tea lines. (further explanation below)
Now that I have been open for 7 years, my list has evolved to some really fun blends, but I am also ready to add some new teas and remove some that are less popular as I have been to The Tea Expo and had the opportunity to sample a wide variety.

As well, I have developed many of my own blends. The Meyer Lemon ones are a favorite. Coming soon: from Afternoon to Remember: French Caramel Crème Brulee and Earl Grey Violet.

New: San Francisco Blend, a delicious blend of Jasmine and Ceylon black teas with a unique cinnamon and strawberry flavor. by Rogers Family. (This was requested by a customer who had it from a Teahouse that closed. We really like it.)

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cuppaT said

My tasting notes are now up. What a surprise Duck Dinah’s was! I’ve been trying to limit myself to a few favorite tea sellers, but am seriously considering making a proper order to Columbia Kate’s now as well.

I have to agree with Cavocorax; it WOULD be nice if you could indicate other tea companies along with your own blends, so those of us who are familiar with online vendors wouldn’t risk buying a tea we already have or from a company whose base teas we don’t care for. For example: Harney & Sons’ “Paris”, or even (H&S) would be a help. (I’m itching to try something from Dethlefsen & Balk, as they appear to be wholesale only.)

Once again, I sincerely appreciated the samples. Thanks so much!

Thanks CuppaT, I really enjoyed your notes! I have updated my BIO, which I hope will help, for now with the Tea lines. I have some things changing with the tea menu at the restaurant soon, so I don’t want to put a lot of time in on website updates until after that happens.

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If anyone does decide to place an order, please let me know you are from Steepster and I will be happy to include extra samples of my own blends.
Also, I will be sure to label the company along with the tea name.

TeaLady441 said

Do you ship to Canada? You’ve piqued my interest!

I’ll be happy to ship to Canada, but would have to charge for the postage. I would calculate actual postage and send an invoice via paypal.

TeaLady441 said

That sounds fair! Thank you

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