I have no tea...
Okay, slight hyperbole. I have maybe 2 teaspoons left for Whispering Pines’s Masala Chai and maybe 1.5 ounces of some black tea Teavana blend. But I packed up my tea today and moved it into a storage unit with my kettle and my teapot. Now I feel so deprived.
I had to stop in Starbucks and order Tazo of all horrors. It was actually totally fine. I like the new Tazo bags, but I should have asked for two teabags. (Seriously, coffee shops, 1 teabag for every 8 ounces. If I order 16 ounces, I should get 2 teabags. Not hard.) But the tea was weak but fine. It was Earl Gray, which I almost never drink.
Come support my sadness. But seriously: what do you do when you run out of tea or find yourself without it. Should I just not drink tea for a few days, or find another way to brew it? Do you find coffee shops frustrating when they miss-brew tea?
Any other comments welcome of course.
i am crossing my fingers by monday this is not a problem for you anymore! hee.
when i’ve been on the road lately without tea i’ve been bummed, missing it much more than i thought i would. have you checked out if there’s sources for decent tea in town? sometimes it’s in surprising spots…i just stumbled on a coffee shop here that makes tea drinks with loose leaf art of tea, yum. good chinese shops and restaurants sometimes work too when you need a fix. i went to a wedding in pittsburgh a few months ago and was amazed that we happened to park right in front of a loose tea shop/cafe right before the ceremony!
Ohh, I always keep a package of tea and an infuser on-hand wherever I go. Starbucks will pour hot water over your infuser in your mug for free, and you can also brew black tea at room temp overnight or coldbrew it. My traveling tea kit is:
16oz metal pitcher, small teacup, infuser, tin of a breakfast blend (Glen Arbor Breakfast)
Why on earth did you pack away your tea?! hehe :P
Oh, I’m moving! And I’m having to go back home to my parents’ house for the holidays. I didn’t want to travel with all my tea, and then travel with it back. I have some tea packages that are on their way to my parents’, from swaps and everyone’s kindness, so I’m hoping those will carry me through the holidays. I just have like 3 days where…
I actually live in a very asian heavy area, and I regret Starbucks, because I went to a restaurant to grab and sandwich for lunch, and they served tea. But the Starbucks tea wasn’t that bad. A lot of the stores around here serve like bubble tea or milk tea, but not just straight tea.
I really like the idea of carrying tea with me, but I’ve always thought it was kind of a hassle. But it would be really nice. I should buy some sort of water-resistant pouch to put into my purse that I can keep an infuser and stuff in, so could brew in it, and put it away. (And maybe save tea leaves. I always feel bad throwing them out.)
Tomorrow morning is going to be no fun though. Maybe not having tea will motivate me to get up and start my day by finding some.
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