Tips to buy teacups?
Looking for places that sell teacups online with delivery to Europe?
Any suggestions. The shops we had that sold nice teacups all closed shop years ago.
Aww…thats too bad…
Sorry, I do not have advice as I just go online and look for pretty cups ;~}
Ebay for vintage and antique?
Most of my cups are from ebay, though I look and admire the ones on etsy all the time.
OK, this isn’t online but it might work for you—I am always finding beautiful teacups and saucers in thrift stores. I have more than I’ll ever use, honestly! It’s still hard to turn away from a nice one that’s marked for only $1.00 though.
Nothing can compare to a handmade item. Etsy offers so many choices.
Here are some of my suggestions:
Black clay teacup
Blue Carved Cup
rusty brown cup
And last but not least I just bought this:
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