Collection of Tea Themed Knowledge
I have entirely too much time on my hands and decided to be productive with it! I compiled three lists, one of tea themed informative articles, one of tea themed craft project tutorials, and one of recipes containing tea for the tea group I run on facebook. I decided I should share them here as well, hope you guys find them useful :) Craft Tutorials Tea Articles
This is wonderful. When I was new to tea these would have been so useful to me so many thanks.
Saved for future reading and reference.
Any more?
I call them ‘ever growing’ because as I browse around I add more links to the collection. So eventually I will have more.
Super awesome, thank you so much for sharing! I’m a nerd and I LOVE reading articles about tea, the different regions and production methods and geeking out about teaware material pros and cons, so this makes me super happy (I’m pretty bad at finding good satisfyingly detailed articles online myself!).
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