Steepster Glitch
Cannot reply to any threads, and unable to click on
“Contact Us” button :~{
Site let me edit this post, but I cannot see replies…
says there are 2 replies, but I can only see 1 person?
Mine has been working ok today except the dashboard is not updating.
Sometimes what works is closing steepster. Like close the browser window. Then re-open. I find that sometimes resets things.
If you continue to have problems you can email Jason(at)
Dashboard wont update for me either, but closing the browser window sadly isn’t helping :/
Closing all the windows is a good suggestion, because I tend to leave a lot of tabs open and forget they are open. With that said, it seems to be working now. I figured it was a momentary server problem or something although maybe not if other people aren’t having issues.
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