Taking Inventory - Completed
I’ve had trouble doing Sip-downs, partly because it’s hard to part with the last few grams of a tea, and partly because I have too much to sip down quickly. So, I’m trying a different approach.
I plan to sample each of my (cough) 180 teas over the next month or so. I hope to see several benefits: 1) it will pull some teas out of the closet, where they’ve been forgotten; 2) it will force me to do a number of sip-downs; 3) it will bring a number of teas much closer to a sip-down; and 4) it’s fun.
I’ve done 27 teas so far and have made two discoveries: 1) Many of the teas in the back of the closet are much better than I remember and 2) several teas were over the hill (worst case were some half-drunk green tea samples).
YAY! good luck with that! All my tea is currently on my living room table waiting to be organised so that i can do something similar with the older teas.
I’m afraid to pull out my whole stash. I’m not sure it will fit on the dining room table. I have all my BF orders still in their original boxes.
I really need to take stock, and update my cupboard.
Good job Dr. Jim for taking the steps to re-experience the treasures in the back of your cupboard.
I’ve finished my inventory. 187 teas, including 13 sipdowns in a little more than a month. Some observations:
1. There were at least a half-dozen teas I couldn’t find. I must have given them away or put them into a travelling tea box, but lost track of the fact.
2. There were also a few teas I didn’t know I had. Extras from swaps or samples.
3. I went through my favorites quickly, but found it a chore to wade through some teas I’d given up on. The order I drank the tea was an unconscious rating, which led me to discover I’m not as wild about oolong as I thought. As expected, I put off the green teas to the end, but was pleasantly surprised to find a few teas near the end that I really enjoyed.
4. The major upside was that I reevaluated many teas, and found a few new favorites.
Next on the agenda: I put most of the teas with less than 6 grams remaining in a small box and I’m going to try to do a couple dozen sipdowns in the next month or so. I set aside about 20 teas that I’m not going to open until I get below 150.
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